Module protkit.file_io.fasta_io

Implements class FastaIO to read and write FASTA files. FASTA files contain one or more sequences (protein or nucleotide) of biological data with their associated metadata.

See for more information. See for examples of FASTA files.

Methods are static and can be called without instantiating the class. The main functions exposed by the class are:

  • load() to load a protein from a Fasta file.
  • save() to save a protein to a Fasta file.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Authors:  Fred Senekal (FS)
# Contact:
# License:  GPLv3

Implements class `FastaIO` to read and write
FASTA files. FASTA files contain one or more sequences
(protein or nucleotide) of biological data with their
associated metadata.

See for more information.
See for examples of FASTA files.

Methods are static and can be called without instantiating the class.
The main functions exposed by the class are:

- `load()` to load a protein from a Fasta file.
- `save()` to save a protein to a Fasta file.

from typing import List
from protkit.seq.sequence import Sequence

class FastaIO:
    def load(file_path: str) -> List[Sequence]:
        Loads a FASTA file and returns a list of sequences.

            file_path (str): The path to the FASTA file.

            List[Sequence]: A list of sequences.

        sequences = []
        with open(file_path, "rt") as file:
            description = None
            seq = ""

            for line in file:
                if line.startswith(">") or line.startswith(";"):
                    if seq != "":
                        # The previous sequence is added.
                        # There were no empty lines between the
                        # previous sequence and the current sequence.
                        sequences.append(Sequence(seq, description))
                        seq = ""
                        description = None

                    # Comments/description lines start in ";" or ">".
                    if description is None:
                        description = line[1:].strip()
                        description += line[1:].strip()
                elif line.strip() == "":
                    # Empty lines are ignored.
                    # Empty lines are also used to separate sequences.
                    if description is not None or seq != "":
                        sequences.append(Sequence(seq, description))
                        seq = ""
                        description = None
                    # Sequence lines start with a letter.
                    # Sequence lines can end with a "*" character.
                    seq += line.strip()
                    if seq[-1] == "*":
                        seq = seq[:-1]

            # The last sequence is added assuming there is no empty line at the end.
            if description is not None or seq != "":
                sequences.append(Sequence(seq, description))

        return sequences

    def save(sequence: [Sequence, List[Sequence]], file_path: str, line_length: [int, None] = 80) -> None:
        Saves a FASTA file.

            sequence (Union[Sequence, List[Sequence]]): The sequence(s) to save.
            file_path (str): The path to the FASTA file.
            line_length (int): The length of the lines in the FASTA file.
                If None, the sequence will be saved on one line.

        if type(sequence) is Sequence:
            sequence = [sequence]

        with open(file_path, "w") as file:
            for seq in sequence:
                if seq.description is not None:
                    file.write(">" + seq.description + "\n")

                if line_length is None:
                    file.write(seq.sequence + "\n")
                    for i in range((len(seq.sequence) - 1) // line_length + 1):
                        file.write(seq.to_string(i * line_length, (i + 1) * line_length - 1) + "\n")


class FastaIO
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class FastaIO:
    def load(file_path: str) -> List[Sequence]:
        Loads a FASTA file and returns a list of sequences.

            file_path (str): The path to the FASTA file.

            List[Sequence]: A list of sequences.

        sequences = []
        with open(file_path, "rt") as file:
            description = None
            seq = ""

            for line in file:
                if line.startswith(">") or line.startswith(";"):
                    if seq != "":
                        # The previous sequence is added.
                        # There were no empty lines between the
                        # previous sequence and the current sequence.
                        sequences.append(Sequence(seq, description))
                        seq = ""
                        description = None

                    # Comments/description lines start in ";" or ">".
                    if description is None:
                        description = line[1:].strip()
                        description += line[1:].strip()
                elif line.strip() == "":
                    # Empty lines are ignored.
                    # Empty lines are also used to separate sequences.
                    if description is not None or seq != "":
                        sequences.append(Sequence(seq, description))
                        seq = ""
                        description = None
                    # Sequence lines start with a letter.
                    # Sequence lines can end with a "*" character.
                    seq += line.strip()
                    if seq[-1] == "*":
                        seq = seq[:-1]

            # The last sequence is added assuming there is no empty line at the end.
            if description is not None or seq != "":
                sequences.append(Sequence(seq, description))

        return sequences

    def save(sequence: [Sequence, List[Sequence]], file_path: str, line_length: [int, None] = 80) -> None:
        Saves a FASTA file.

            sequence (Union[Sequence, List[Sequence]]): The sequence(s) to save.
            file_path (str): The path to the FASTA file.
            line_length (int): The length of the lines in the FASTA file.
                If None, the sequence will be saved on one line.

        if type(sequence) is Sequence:
            sequence = [sequence]

        with open(file_path, "w") as file:
            for seq in sequence:
                if seq.description is not None:
                    file.write(">" + seq.description + "\n")

                if line_length is None:
                    file.write(seq.sequence + "\n")
                    for i in range((len(seq.sequence) - 1) // line_length + 1):
                        file.write(seq.to_string(i * line_length, (i + 1) * line_length - 1) + "\n")

Static methods

def load(file_path: str) ‑> List[Sequence]

Loads a FASTA file and returns a list of sequences.


file_path : str
The path to the FASTA file.


A list of sequences.
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def load(file_path: str) -> List[Sequence]:
    Loads a FASTA file and returns a list of sequences.

        file_path (str): The path to the FASTA file.

        List[Sequence]: A list of sequences.

    sequences = []
    with open(file_path, "rt") as file:
        description = None
        seq = ""

        for line in file:
            if line.startswith(">") or line.startswith(";"):
                if seq != "":
                    # The previous sequence is added.
                    # There were no empty lines between the
                    # previous sequence and the current sequence.
                    sequences.append(Sequence(seq, description))
                    seq = ""
                    description = None

                # Comments/description lines start in ";" or ">".
                if description is None:
                    description = line[1:].strip()
                    description += line[1:].strip()
            elif line.strip() == "":
                # Empty lines are ignored.
                # Empty lines are also used to separate sequences.
                if description is not None or seq != "":
                    sequences.append(Sequence(seq, description))
                    seq = ""
                    description = None
                # Sequence lines start with a letter.
                # Sequence lines can end with a "*" character.
                seq += line.strip()
                if seq[-1] == "*":
                    seq = seq[:-1]

        # The last sequence is added assuming there is no empty line at the end.
        if description is not None or seq != "":
            sequences.append(Sequence(seq, description))

    return sequences
def save(sequence: [Sequence'>, typing.List[Sequence]], file_path: str, line_length: [, None] = 80) ‑> None

Saves a FASTA file.


sequence : Union[Sequence, List[Sequence]]
The sequence(s) to save.
file_path : str
The path to the FASTA file.
line_length : int
The length of the lines in the FASTA file. If None, the sequence will be saved on one line.



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def save(sequence: [Sequence, List[Sequence]], file_path: str, line_length: [int, None] = 80) -> None:
    Saves a FASTA file.

        sequence (Union[Sequence, List[Sequence]]): The sequence(s) to save.
        file_path (str): The path to the FASTA file.
        line_length (int): The length of the lines in the FASTA file.
            If None, the sequence will be saved on one line.

    if type(sequence) is Sequence:
        sequence = [sequence]

    with open(file_path, "w") as file:
        for seq in sequence:
            if seq.description is not None:
                file.write(">" + seq.description + "\n")

            if line_length is None:
                file.write(seq.sequence + "\n")
                for i in range((len(seq.sequence) - 1) // line_length + 1):
                    file.write(seq.to_string(i * line_length, (i + 1) * line_length - 1) + "\n")