Module protkit.file_io.pdb_io

Implements class PDBIO to read and write data from and to PDB files. PDB files contain protein structural information.

The PDB File Format Specification is available at:

Currently, PDB records related to structural and sequence data is parsed and saved. Other fields are ignored. The following fields are processed:

  • MODEL (model start)
  • ENDMDL (model end)
  • ATOM (structural data)
  • HETATOM (structural data)
  • SEQRES (sequence data)
  • TER (chain termination)
  • MASTER (record keeping)

Methods are static and can be called without instantiating the class. The main functions exposed by the class are:

  • load() to load a protein from a PDB file.
  • save() to save a protein to a PDB file.

Saving a file in PQR format is not supported yet.

Expand source code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Authors:  Fred Senekal (FS)
# Contact:
# License:  GPLv3

Implements class `PDBIO` to read and write data
from and to PDB files.  PDB files contain protein structural

The PDB File Format Specification is available at:

Currently, PDB records related to structural and sequence data is parsed
and saved.  Other fields are ignored. The following fields are processed:

- MODEL (model start)
- ENDMDL (model end)
- ATOM (structural data)
- HETATOM (structural data)
- SEQRES (sequence data)
- TER (chain termination)
- MASTER (record keeping)

Methods are static and can be called without instantiating the class.
The main functions exposed by the class are:

- `load()` to load a protein from a PDB file.
- `save()` to save a protein to a PDB file.

<font color="red">Saving a file in PQR format is not supported yet.</font>


from typing import List, Dict, Optional
from protkit.structure.protein import Protein
from protkit.structure.chain import Chain
from protkit.structure.residue import Residue
from protkit.structure.atom import Atom

class PDBIO():
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # MODEL
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_model_line(line: str):
        Parse a MODEL (start model) line from a PDB file.

        COLUMNS        DATA  TYPE    FIELD          DEFINITION
         1 -  6        Record name   "MODEL "
        11 - 14        Integer       serial         Model serial number.
        pdb_model_dict = {
            "record_name": "MODEL",
            "serial": line[10:14]

        return pdb_model_dict

    def create_pdb_model_line(serial: int):
        Creates a MODEL (start model) line for a PDB file.
        return "MODEL".ljust(10) + str(serial).rjust(4) + "".ljust(66)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ENDMDL
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_end_model_line(line: str):
        Parse a ENDMDL (end model) line from a PDB file.

        COLUMNS       DATA  TYPE     FIELD        DEFINITION
        1 - 6         Record name   "ENDMDL"

        pdb_end_model_dict = {
            "record_name": "ENDMDL"

        return pdb_end_model_dict

    def create_pdb_end_model_line():
        Creates a ENDMDL (end model) line for a PDB file.
        return "ENDMDL".ljust(80)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # MASTER
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def create_pdb_master_line(num_atoms, num_hetatoms, num_ter, num_remark=0, num_het=0, num_helix=0, num_sheet=0,
                               num_site=0, num_trans=0, num_conect=0, num_seqres=0):
        Creates a MASTER (recordkeeping) line for a PDB file.

        COLUMNS         DATA TYPE     FIELD          DEFINITION
         1 -  6         Record name   "MASTER"
        11 - 15         Integer       numRemark      Number of REMARK records
        16 - 20         Integer       "0"
        21 - 25         Integer       numHet         Number of HET records
        26 - 30         Integer       numHelix       Number of HELIX records
        31 - 35         Integer       numSheet       Number of SHEET records
        36 - 40         Integer       numTurn        deprecated
        41 - 45         Integer       numSite        Number of SITE records
        46 - 50         Integer       numXform       Number of coordinate transformation
                                                     records  (ORIGX+SCALE+MTRIX)
        51 - 55         Integer       numCoord       Number of atomic coordinate records
                                                     records (ATOM+HETATM)
        56 - 60         Integer       numTer         Number of TER records
        61 - 65         Integer       numConect      Number of CONECT records
        66 - 70         Integer       numSeq         Number of SEQRES records

        entries = [
            str(num_atoms + num_hetatoms).rjust(5),

        return "".join(entries)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # SEQRES
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_seqres_line(line: str):
        Parse a SEQRES (sequence) line from a PDB file.
        pdb_seqres_dict = {
            "record_name": "SEQRES",
            "chain_id": line[11],
            "residues": line[19:].strip().split()

        return pdb_seqres_dict

    def create_seqres_line(line_no, chain_id, num_residues, residues):
        Creates a SEQRES (sequence) line for a PDB file.

         1 -  6        Record name    "SEQRES"
         8 - 10        Integer        serNum       Serial number of the SEQRES record for  the
                                                   current  chain. Starts at 1 and increments
                                                   by one  each line. Reset to 1 for each chain.
        12             Character      chainID      Chain identifier. This may be any single
                                                   legal  character, including a blank which
                                                   is used if there is only one chain.
        14 - 17        Integer        numRes       Number of residues in the chain.
                                                   This  value is repeated on every record.
        20 - 22        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        24 - 26        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        28 - 30        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        32 - 34        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        36 - 38        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        40 - 42        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        44 - 46        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        48 - 50        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        52 - 54        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        56 - 58        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        60 - 62        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        64 - 66        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        68 - 70        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        entries = [
            "SEQRES ",
            str(line_no).rjust(3) + " ",
            chain_id + " ",
            str(num_residues).rjust(4) + "  "
        for residue in residues:
            entries.append(residue["residue"].rjust(3) + " ")
        return "".join(entries).ljust(80)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # TER
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_ter_line(line: str):
        Parse a TER (chain termination) line from a PDB file.

        COLUMNS        DATA  TYPE    FIELD           DEFINITION
         1 -  6        Record name   "TER   "
         7 - 11        Integer       serial          Serial number.
        18 - 20        Residue name  resName         Residue name.
        22             Character     chainID         Chain identifier.
        23 - 26        Integer       resSeq          Residue sequence number.
        27             AChar         iCode           Insertion code.

        if line == "TER":
            pdb_ter_dict = {
                "record_name": "TER",
                "serial": "",
                "res_name": "",
                "chain_id": "",
                "res_seq": "",
                "icode": ""
            line = line.ljust(80)
            pdb_ter_dict = {
                "record_name": "TER",
                "serial": line[6:11],
                "res_name": line[17:21],
                "chain_id": line[21],
                "res_seq": line[22:26],
                "icode": line[26]
        return pdb_ter_dict

    def create_pdb_ter_line(serial, res_name, chain_id, res_seq, icode):
        Creates a TER (chain termination) line for a PDB file.
        text = "TER".ljust(6)
        text += str(serial).rjust(5) + "      "
        text += res_name.rjust(3) + " "
        text += chain_id
        text += res_seq.rjust(4)
        text += icode.ljust(1)

        return text.ljust(80)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_atom_line(line, is_pqr_format: bool = False):
        Parse a ATOM (individual atom) or HETATM (hetero atom) line from a PDB file.

        COLUMNS        DATA  TYPE    FIELD        DEFINITION
         1 -  6        Record name   "ATOM  "
         7 - 11        Integer       serial       Atom  serial number.
        13 - 16        Atom          name         Atom name.
        17             Character     altLoc       Alternate location indicator.
        18 - 20        Residue name  resName      Residue name.
        22             Character     chainID      Chain identifier.
        23 - 26        Integer       resSeq       Residue sequence number.
        27             AChar         iCode        Code for insertion of residues.
        31 - 38        Real(8.3)     x            Orthogonal coordinates for X in Angstroms.
        39 - 46        Real(8.3)     y            Orthogonal coordinates for Y in Angstroms.
        47 - 54        Real(8.3)     z            Orthogonal coordinates for Z in Angstroms.
        55 - 60        Real(6.2)     occupancy    Occupancy.
        61 - 66        Real(6.2)     tempFactor   Temperature  factor.
        77 - 78        LString(2)    element      Element symbol, right-justified.
        79 - 80        LString(2)    charge       Charge  on the atom.`
        if not is_pqr_format:
            pdb_atom_dict = {
                "record_name": line[0:6].strip().upper(),
                "serial": line[6:11].strip(),
                # Open space
                "atom_name": line[12:16].strip(),
                "alt_loc": line[16].strip(),
                "res_name": line[17:20].strip(),
                # Open space
                "chain_id": line[21].strip(),
                "res_seq": line[22:26].strip(),
                "icode": line[26].strip(),
                # 3x Open space
                "x": float(line[30:38]),
                "y": float(line[38:46]),
                "z": float(line[46:54]),
                "occupancy": float(line[54:60]),
                # "temp_factor": None,
                "temp_factor": float(line[60:66]),
                # 66 - 75?
                "element": line[76:78].strip(),
                "assigned_charge": line[78:80].strip(),
                "calculated_charge": None,
                "radius": None
            pdb_atom_dict = {
                "record_name": line[0:6].strip().upper(),
                "serial": line[6:11].strip(),
                # Open space
                "atom_name": line[12:16].strip(),
                "alt_loc": line[16].strip(),
                "res_name": line[17:20].strip(),
                # Open space
                "chain_id": line[21].strip(),
                "res_seq": line[22:26].strip(),
                "icode": line[26].strip(),
                # 3x Open space
                "x": float(line[30:38]),
                "y": float(line[38:46]),
                "z": float(line[46:54]),

                "occupancy": 1.0,
                "temp_factor": None,

                "element": line[76:78].strip(),
                "assigned_charge": None,
                "calculated_charge": float(line[54:62]),
                "radius": float(line[62:70])
        return pdb_atom_dict

    def create_pdb_atom_line(atom: Dict, serial: int, record_name="ATOM") -> str:
        Creates a ATOM or HETATM line for a PDB file.

            atom (Dict): The atom information.
            serial (int): The serial number of the atom.
            record_name (str): The record name, should be ATOM or HETATM.

            str: The ATOM or HETATM line.
        text = record_name.ljust(6)
        text += str(serial).rjust(5) + " "

        # The PDB spec says that if the element has two characters, e.g. Fe (iron)
        # it should start at the position 13, otherwise it should start at position 14.
        # This seems a little problematic, as some atoms could use 4 characters
        # for example, HG11. The implementation here is consistent with observed PDBs
        # from the RCSB.
        if len(atom["element"]) == 2 or len(atom["atom_name"]) == 4:
            text += atom["atom_name"].ljust(4)
            text += " " + atom["atom_name"].ljust(3)
        text += ("" if atom["alt_loc"] is None else atom["alt_loc"]).ljust(1)
        text += atom["res_name"].rjust(3) + " "
        text += atom["chain_id"]
        text += atom["res_seq"].rjust(4)
        text += atom["icode"].ljust(1) + "   "
        text += f'{atom["x"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{atom["y"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{atom["z"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{1.0 if atom["occupancy"] is None else atom["occupancy"]:6.2f}'
        text += f'{0.0 if atom["temp_factor"] is None else atom["temp_factor"]:6.2f}'
        text += "".ljust(10)
        text += atom["element"].rjust(2)
        text += ("" if atom["assigned_charge"] is None else atom["assigned_charge"]).rjust(2)
        return text

    def create_pqr_atom_line(atom: Dict, serial: int, record_name="ATOM") -> str:
        Creates a ATOM or HETATM line for a PQR file.

        The PQR line is similar to the PDB ATOM line, but with additional fields
        for atomic charge and radius. The occupancy, temperature factor,
        charge and element fields from the PDB file are not used in the PQR file.

        The order of fields in a PQR file is as follows:
        Field_name Atom_number Atom_name Residue_name Chain_ID Residue_number
        X Y Z Charge Radius

            atom (Dict): The atom information.
            serial (int): The serial number of the atom.
            record_name (str): The record name, should be ATOM or HETATM.

            str: The PQR ATOM or HETATM line.
        text = record_name.ljust(6)
        text += str(serial).rjust(5) + " "

        # The PDB spec says that if the element has two characters, e.g. Fe (iron)
        # it should start at the position 13, otherwise it should start at position 14.
        # This seems a little problematic, as some atoms could use 4 characters
        # for example, HG11. The implementation here is consistent with observed PDBs
        # from the RCSB.
        if len(atom["element"]) == 2 or len(atom["atom_name"]) == 4:
            text += atom["atom_name"].ljust(4)
            text += " " + atom["atom_name"].ljust(3)
        text += ("" if atom["alt_loc"] is None else atom["alt_loc"]).ljust(1)
        text += atom["res_name"].rjust(3) + " "
        text += atom["chain_id"]
        text += atom["res_seq"].rjust(4)
        text += atom["icode"].ljust(1) + "   "
        text += f'{atom["x"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{atom["y"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{atom["z"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{0.0 if atom["calculated_charge"] is None else atom["calculated_charge"]:8.4f}'
        text += f'{0.0 if atom["radius"] is None else atom["radius"]:7.4f}'
        # text += f'{1.0 if atom["occupancy"] is None else atom["occupancy"]:6.2f}'
        # text += f'{0.0 if atom["temp_factor"] is None else atom["temp_factor"]:6.2f}'
        # text += "".ljust(10)
        # text += atom["element"].rjust(2)
        # text += ("" if atom["charge"] is None else atom["charge"]).rjust(2)

        return text

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Main parsing and saving functions
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_entries_from_string(pdb_string: str, is_pqr_format: bool = False):
        Parse a PDB file in string format into a list of entries.

            pdb_string (str): The PDB file as a string.
            is_pqr_format (bool): If the file is in PQR format.

            List[Dict]: A list of parsed entries.

        # Split the string into lines
        lines = pdb_string.split("\n")

        # Parse every line into dictionary information
        entries = []
        for line in lines:
            record_name = line[0:6].strip().upper()
            if record_name == "ATOM":
                pdb_atom_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_atom_line(line, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)
            elif record_name == "HETATM":
                pdb_atom_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_atom_line(line, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)
            elif record_name == "TER":
                pdb_ter_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_ter_line(line)
            elif record_name == "MODEL":
                pdb_model_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_model_line(line)
            elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
                pdb_end_model_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_end_model_line(line)
            elif record_name == "SEQRES":
                pdb_seqres_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_seqres_line(line)
        return entries

    def parse_pdb_entries(file_path: str, is_pqr_format: bool = False):
        Parse PDB file according to the spec provided at:
        # Open the file and extract the individual lines.
        with open(file_path) as file:
            pdb_string =

        return PDBIO.parse_pdb_entries_from_string(pdb_string, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)

    def load_from_string(pdb_string: str,
                         is_pqr_format: bool = False,
                         pdb_id: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Protein]:
        protein = Protein(pdb_id=pdb_id)
        models = []
        seqres = {}
        current_model = None
        current_chain: Optional[Chain] = None
        current_chain_id = None
        current_residue: Optional[Residue] = None
        current_residue_id = None

        entries = PDBIO.parse_pdb_entries_from_string(pdb_string, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)

        for entry in entries:
            record_name = entry["record_name"]
            if record_name == "SEQRES":
                chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
                if chain_id not in seqres:
                    seqres[chain_id] = []
            elif record_name == "MODEL":
                # Usually, the MODEL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
                # We only use the first model in a file if provided.
                # There is nothing to do, so we
            elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
                # Usually, the ENDMDL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
                # it closes a corresponding MODEL field.
                # Since the end of the model is reached, no more entries should be parsed.
            elif record_name == "TER":
                # The TER field terminates the current chain.
                current_chain = None
                current_chain_id = None
            elif record_name == "ATOM" or record_name == "HETATM":
                # If we switched chains, set the chain.
                if entry["chain_id"] != current_chain_id:
                    current_chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
                    if protein.has_chain(current_chain_id):
                        current_chain = protein.get_chain(current_chain_id)
                        current_chain = protein.create_chain(current_chain_id)

                # Check if the residue exists
                residue_id = current_chain_id + entry["res_seq"] + entry["icode"]
                if residue_id != current_residue_id:
                    current_residue_id = residue_id
                    if record_name == "ATOM":
                        # if entry["res_name"] in ResidueTemplate.VALID_DNA_RESIDUES:
                        #     current_residue = current_chain.add_dna_residue(
                        #         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
                        #         sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
                        #         insertion_code=entry["icode"]
                        #     )
                        # else:
                        current_residue = Residue(
                    elif record_name == "HETATM":
                        current_residue = Residue(

                        # current_residue = current_chain.add_het_residue(
                        #     residue_type=entry["res_name"],
                        #     sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
                        #     insertion_code=entry["icode"]
                        # )

                # Temporary fix need to see if anything breaks (For Evo eg. 2HH1 -> HH12)
                # Fix atom naming
                if entry["atom_name"][0].isnumeric():
                    entry["atom_name"] = entry["atom_name"][1:] + entry["atom_name"][0]
                    if entry["element"] != "H":
                    if entry["atom_name"][0] == "H":
                        entry["element"] = "H"

                # Add the atom to the residue
                # if entry["alt_loc"] == "":
                #     atom_id = entry["atom_name"]
                # else:
                #     atom_id = entry["atom_name"] + "_" + entry["alt_loc"]
                atom = Atom(

                    # Serial is dependent on the atom ordering,
                    # so it is not used in the Atom class
                    # pdb_serial=entry["serial"],
                    is_hetero=(record_name == "HETATM"),


                # current_residue.add_atom(atom_id, atom)
                current_residue.add_atom(atom.atom_type, atom)

        if seqres:
            for chain_id in seqres:
                if seqres[chain_id]:
                    protein.get_chain(chain_id).set_attribute("seqres", seqres[chain_id])

        # Housekeeping
        # protein.set_residue_indexing()

        return [protein]

    def load(file_path: str,
             is_pqr_format: bool = False,
             pdb_id: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Protein]:
        Load a protein from a PDB file.

            file_path (str): The path to the PDB file.
            is_pqr_format (bool): If the file is in PQR format.
            pdb_id (str): The PDB ID of the protein.

            List[Protein]: A list of proteins.

        # Open the file and extract the individual lines.
        with open(file_path) as file:
            pdb_string =

        return PDBIO.load_from_string(pdb_string, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format, pdb_id=pdb_id)

    def save_to_string(protein: Protein,
                       is_pqr_format=False) -> str:
        text_entries = []
        num_seqres = 0
        num_atoms = 0
        num_hetatoms = 0
        num_ter = 0
        serial = 1
        atom_entry = None

        for chain in protein.chains:
            for residue in chain.residues:
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    if not atom.is_hetero:
                        atom_entry = {
                            "element": atom.element,
                            "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
                            "alt_loc": atom.get_attribute("pdb_alt_loc"),
                            "res_name": residue.residue_type,
                            "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
                            "res_seq": str(residue.sequence_no),
                            "icode": residue.insertion_code,
                            "x": atom.x,
                            "y": atom.y,
                            "z": atom.z,
                            "occupancy": atom.get_attribute("occupancy"),
                            # "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
                            "temp_factor": atom.get_attribute("temp_factor"),
                            "assigned_charge": atom.get_attribute("assigned_charge"),
                            "calculated_charge": atom.get_attribute("calculated_charge"),
                            "radius": atom.get_attribute("radius")
                        if not is_pqr_format:
                            text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial))
                            text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pqr_atom_line(atom_entry, serial))

                        serial += 1
                        num_atoms += 1

            # TER entry
            if atom_entry is not None:
                serial = serial + 1
                num_ter += 1

        for chain in protein.chains:
            for residue in chain.residues:
                # HETATM entries
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    if atom.is_hetero:
                        atom_entry = {
                            "element": atom.element,
                            "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
                            "alt_loc": atom.get_attribute("pdb_alt_loc"),
                            "res_name": residue.residue_type,
                            "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
                            "res_seq": str(residue.sequence_no),
                            "icode": residue.insertion_code,
                            "x": atom.x,
                            "y": atom.y,
                            "z": atom.z,
                            "occupancy": atom.get_attribute("occupancy"),
                            # "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
                            "temp_factor": atom.get_attribute("temp_factor"),
                            "charge": atom.get_attribute("assigned_charge"),
                            "assigned_charge": atom.get_attribute("assigned_charge"),
                            "calculated_charge": atom.get_attribute("calculated_charge"),
                            "radius": atom.get_attribute("radius")
                        if not is_pqr_format:
                            text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial, record_name="HETATM"))
                            text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pqr_atom_line(atom_entry, serial, record_name="HETATM"))

                        serial += 1
                        num_hetatoms += 1
            # Hetero residues have no TER records, so no need to write a termination code.

        # Bookkeeping records
        text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pdb_master_line(num_atoms, num_hetatoms, num_ter, num_seqres=num_seqres))

        return "\n".join(text_entries)

    def save(protein: Protein,
             file_path: str,
             is_pqr_format=False) -> None:

        pdb_string = PDBIO.save_to_string(protein, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)

        with open(file_path, "w") as file:

    # TODO: from_pdb_text and to_pdb_text was added by Claudio
    # The intent is that one should parse proteins from text
    # without working with files. However, a lot of code copying
    # was made and it need to be reworked significantly.

    # @staticmethod
    # def from_pdb_text(lines) -> List[Protein]:
    #     lines = lines.split("\n")
    #     entries = []
    #     for line in lines:
    #         record_name = line[0:6].strip().upper()
    #         if record_name == "ATOM":
    #             pdb_atom_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_atom_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_atom_dict)
    #         elif record_name == "HETATM":
    #             pdb_atom_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_atom_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_atom_dict)
    #         elif record_name == "TER":
    #             pdb_ter_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_ter_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_ter_dict)
    #         elif record_name == "MODEL":
    #             pdb_model_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_model_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_model_dict)
    #         elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
    #             pdb_end_model_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_end_model_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_end_model_dict)
    #         elif record_name == "SEQRES":
    #             pdb_seqres_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_seqres_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_seqres_dict)
    #     protein = Protein()
    #     models = []
    #     seqres = {}
    #     current_model = None
    #     current_chain: Optional[Chain] = None
    #     current_chain_id = None
    #     current_residue: Optional[Residue] = None
    #     current_residue_id = None
    #     for entry in entries:
    #         record_name = entry["record_name"]
    #         if record_name == "SEQRES":
    #             chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
    #             if chain_id not in seqres:
    #                 seqres[chain_id] = []
    #             seqres[chain_id].extend(entry["residues"])
    #         elif record_name == "MODEL":
    #             # Usually, the MODEL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
    #             # We only use the first model in a file if provided.
    #             # There is nothing to do, so we
    #             pass
    #         elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
    #             # Usually, the ENDMDL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
    #             # it closes a corresponding MODEL field.
    #             # Since the end of the model is reached, no more entries should be parsed.
    #             break
    #         elif record_name == "TER":
    #             # The TER field terminates the current chain.
    #             current_chain = None
    #             current_chain_id = None
    #         elif record_name == "ATOM" or record_name == "HETATM":
    #             # If we switched chains, set the chain.
    #             if entry["chain_id"] != current_chain_id:
    #                 current_chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
    #                 if protein.has_chain(current_chain_id):
    #                     current_chain = protein.get_chain(current_chain_id)
    #                 else:
    #                     current_chain = protein.create_chain(current_chain_id)
    #             # Check if the residue exists
    #             residue_id = current_chain_id + entry["res_seq"] + entry["icode"]
    #             if residue_id != current_residue_id:
    #                 current_residue_id = residue_id
    #                 if record_name == "ATOM":
    #                     # if entry["res_name"] in ResidueTemplate.VALID_DNA_RESIDUES:
    #                     #     current_residue = current_chain.add_dna_residue(
    #                     #         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                     #         sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                     #         insertion_code=entry["icode"]
    #                     #     )
    #                     # else:
    #                     current_residue = Residue(
    #                         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                         sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                         insertion_code=entry["icode"],
    #                         chain=current_chain)
    #                     current_chain.add_residue(current_residue)
    #                 elif record_name == "HETATM":
    #                     current_residue = Residue(
    #                         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                         sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                         insertion_code=entry["icode"],
    #                         chain=current_chain)
    #                     current_chain.add_residue(current_residue)
    #                     # current_residue = current_chain.add_het_residue(
    #                     #     residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                     #     sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                     #     insertion_code=entry["icode"]
    #                     # )
    #             # Temporary fix need to see if anything breaks (For Evo eg. 2HH1 -> HH12)
    #             # Fix atom naming
    #             if entry["atom_name"][0].isnumeric():
    #                 entry["atom_name"] = entry["atom_name"][1:] + entry["atom_name"][0]
    #                 if entry["element"] != "H":
    #                     print(0)
    #                 if entry["atom_name"][0] == "H":
    #                     entry["element"] = "H"
    #             # Add the atom to the residue
    #             if entry["alt_loc"] == "":
    #                 atom_id = entry["atom_name"]
    #             else:
    #                 atom_id = entry["atom_name"] + "_" + entry["alt_loc"]
    #             atom = Atom(
    #                 element=entry["element"],
    #                 atom_type=entry["atom_name"],
    #                 x=entry["x"],
    #                 y=entry["y"],
    #                 z=entry["z"],
    #                 # pdb_serial=entry["serial"],
    #                 # pdb_alt_loc=entry["alt_loc"],
    #                 # pdb_occupancy=entry["occupancy"],
    #                 # pdb_temp_factor=entry["temp_factor"],
    #                 # pdb_assigned_charge=entry["assigned_charge"],
    #                 # pqr_calculated_charge=entry["calculated_charge"],
    #                 # pqr_radius=entry["radius"],
    #                 #
    #                 is_hetero=(record_name == "HETATM"),
    #                 residue=current_residue
    #             )
    #             current_residue.add_atom(atom_id, atom)
    #     # if seqres:
    #     #     for chain_id in seqres:
    #     #         if seqres[chain_id]:
    #     #             protein.chains[chain_id].sequence = seqres[chain_id]
    #     # Housekeeping
    #     # protein.set_residue_indexing()
    #     return [protein]

    # @staticmethod
    # def to_pdb_text(protein: Protein):
    #     text_entries = ""
    #     num_seqres = 0
    #     num_atoms = 0
    #     num_hetatoms = 0
    #     num_ter = 0
    #     serial = 1
    #     for chain in protein.chains:
    #         for residue in chain.residues:
    #             for atom in residue.atoms:
    #                 if not atom.is_hetero:
    #                     atom_entry = {
    #                         "element": atom.element,
    #                         "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
    #                         "alt_loc": atom.get_attribute("pdb_alt_loc"),
    #                         "res_name": residue.residue_type,
    #                         "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
    #                         "res_seq": str(residue.sequence_no),
    #                         "icode": residue.insertion_code,
    #                         "x": atom.x,
    #                         "y": atom.y,
    #                         "z": atom.z,
    #                         "occupancy": atom.get_attribute("occupancy"),
    #                         # "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
    #                         "temp_factor": atom.get_attribute("temp_factor"),
    #                         "charge": atom.get_attribute("assigned_charge")
    #                     }
    #                     text_entries += PDBIO.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial)
    #                     text_entries += "\n"
    #                     serial += 1
    #                     num_atoms += 1
    #     # Bookkeeping records
    #     text_entries += PDBIO.create_pdb_master_line(num_atoms, num_hetatoms, num_ter, num_seqres=num_seqres)
    #     text_entries += "END".ljust(80)
    #     text_entries += "\n"
    #     return text_entries

    # @staticmethod
    # def save_to_pdb(file_path: str, protein):
    #     entries = []
    #     num_seqres = 0
    #     num_atoms = 0
    #     num_hetatoms = 0
    #     num_ter = 0
    #     serial = 1
    #     for chain in protein.chains:
    #         for residue in chain.residues:
    #             # ATOM entries
    #             for atom in residue.atoms:
    #                 if not atom.is_hetero:
    #                     atom_entry = {
    #                         "element": atom.element,
    #                         "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
    #                         "alt_loc": atom._pdb_alt_loc,
    #                         "res_name": residue.residue_type,
    #                         "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
    #                         "res_seq": str(residue._pdb_sequence_no),
    #                         "icode": residue._pdb_insertion_code,
    #                         "x": atom.x,
    #                         "y": atom.y,
    #                         "z": atom.z,
    #                         "occupancy": atom._pdb_occupancy,
    #                         "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
    #                         "charge": atom._pdb_assigned_charge
    #                     }
    #                     entries.append(PDBParser.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial))
    #                     serial += 1
    #                     num_atoms += 1
    #         # TER entry
    #         if chain.num_residues - chain.num_hetero_residues > 0:
    #             entries.append(
    #                 PDBParser.create_pdb_ter_line(serial, atom_entry["res_name"], chain.chain_id, atom_entry["res_seq"],
    #                                               atom_entry["icode"]))
    #             serial = serial + 1
    #             num_ter += 1
    #     for chain in protein.chains:
    #         for residue in chain.residues:
    #             # HETATM entries
    #             for atom in residue.atoms:
    #                 if atom.is_hetero:
    #                     atom_entry = {
    #                         "element": atom.element,
    #                         "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
    #                         "alt_loc": atom._pdb_alt_loc,
    #                         "res_name": residue.residue_type,
    #                         "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
    #                         "res_seq": str(residue._pdb_sequence_no),
    #                         "icode": residue._pdb_insertion_code,
    #                         "x": atom.x,
    #                         "y": atom.y,
    #                         "z": atom.z,
    #                         "occupancy": atom._pdb_occupancy,
    #                         "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
    #                         "charge": atom._pdb_assigned_charge
    #                     }
    #                     entries.append(PDBParser.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial, "HETATM"))
    #                     serial += 1
    #                     num_hetatoms += 1
    #         # Hetero residues have no TER records, so no need to write a termination code.
    #     # Bookkeeping records
    #     entries.append(PDBParser.create_pdb_master_line(num_atoms, num_hetatoms, num_ter, num_seqres=num_seqres))
    #     entries.append("END".ljust(80))
    #     # Write file
    #     with open(file_path, "w") as file:
    #         file.write("\n".join(entries))

    # @staticmethod
    # def load_from_pdb(file_path: str):
    #     entries = PDBParser.parse_pdb_entries(file_path)
    #     protein = Protein()
    #     models = []
    #     seqres = {}
    #     current_model = None
    #     current_chain: Chain = None
    #     current_chain_id = None
    #     current_residue: Residue = None
    #     current_residue_id = None
    #     for entry in entries:
    #         record_name = entry["record_name"]
    #         if record_name == "SEQRES":
    #             chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
    #             if chain_id not in seqres:
    #                 seqres[chain_id] = []
    #             seqres[chain_id].extend(entry["residues"])
    #         elif record_name == "MODEL":
    #             # Usually, the MODEL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
    #             # We only use the first model in a file if provided.
    #             # There is nothing to do, so we
    #             pass
    #         elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
    #             # Usually, the ENDMDL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
    #             # it closes a corresponding MODEL field.
    #             # Since the end of the model is reached, no more entries should be parsed.
    #             break
    #         elif record_name == "TER":
    #             # The TER field terminates the current chain.
    #             current_chain = None
    #             current_chain_id = None
    #         elif record_name == "ATOM" or record_name == "HETATM":
    #             # If we switched chains, set the chain.
    #             if entry["chain_id"] != current_chain_id:
    #                 current_chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
    #                 if current_chain_id in protein._chains:
    #                     current_chain = protein._chains[current_chain_id]
    #                 else:
    #                     current_chain = protein.create_chain(current_chain_id)
    #             # Check if the residue exists
    #             residue_id = current_chain_id + entry["res_seq"] + entry["icode"]
    #             if residue_id != current_residue_id:
    #                 current_residue_id = residue_id
    #                 if record_name == "ATOM":
    #                     # if entry["res_name"] in ResidueTemplate.VALID_DNA_RESIDUES:
    #                     #     current_residue = current_chain.add_dna_residue(
    #                     #         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                     #         sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                     #         insertion_code=entry["icode"]
    #                     #     )
    #                     # else:
    #                     current_residue = Residue(
    #                         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                         pdb_sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                         pdb_insertion_code=entry["icode"],
    #                         chain=current_chain)
    #                     current_chain.add_residue(current_residue)
    #                 elif record_name == "HETATM":
    #                     current_residue = Residue(
    #                         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                         pdb_sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                         pdb_insertion_code=entry["icode"],
    #                         chain=current_chain)
    #                     current_chain.add_residue(current_residue)
    #                     # current_residue = current_chain.add_het_residue(
    #                     #     residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                     #     sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                     #     insertion_code=entry["icode"]
    #                     # )
    #             # Temporary fix need to see if anything breaks (For Evo eg. 2HH1 -> HH12)
    #             # Fix atom naming
    #             if entry["atom_name"][0].isnumeric():
    #                 entry["atom_name"] = entry["atom_name"][1:] + entry["atom_name"][0]
    #                 if entry["element"] != "H":
    #                     print(0)
    #                 if entry["atom_name"][0] == "H":
    #                     entry["element"] = "H"
    #             # Add the atom to the residue
    #             if entry["alt_loc"] == "":
    #                 atom_id = entry["atom_name"]
    #             else:
    #                 atom_id = entry["atom_name"] + "_" + entry["alt_loc"]
    #             atom = Atom(
    #                 element=entry["element"],
    #                 atom_type=entry["atom_name"],
    #                 x=entry["x"],
    #                 y=entry["y"],
    #                 z=entry["z"],
    #                 pdb_serial=entry["serial"],
    #                 pdb_alt_loc=entry["alt_loc"],
    #                 pdb_occupancy=entry["occupancy"],
    #                 pdb_temp_factor=entry["temp_factor"],
    #                 pdb_assigned_charge=entry["assigned_charge"],
    #                 pqr_calculated_charge=entry["calculated_charge"],
    #                 pqr_radius=entry["radius"],
    #                 is_hetero=(record_name == "HETATM"),
    #                 residue=current_residue
    #             )
    #             current_residue.add_atom(atom_id, atom)
    #     # if seqres:
    #     #     for chain_id in seqres:
    #     #         if seqres[chain_id]:
    #     #             protein.chains[chain_id].sequence = seqres[chain_id]
    #     # Housekeeping
    #     protein.set_residue_indexing()
    #     return protein


class PDBIO
Expand source code
class PDBIO():
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # MODEL
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_model_line(line: str):
        Parse a MODEL (start model) line from a PDB file.

        COLUMNS        DATA  TYPE    FIELD          DEFINITION
         1 -  6        Record name   "MODEL "
        11 - 14        Integer       serial         Model serial number.
        pdb_model_dict = {
            "record_name": "MODEL",
            "serial": line[10:14]

        return pdb_model_dict

    def create_pdb_model_line(serial: int):
        Creates a MODEL (start model) line for a PDB file.
        return "MODEL".ljust(10) + str(serial).rjust(4) + "".ljust(66)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ENDMDL
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_end_model_line(line: str):
        Parse a ENDMDL (end model) line from a PDB file.

        COLUMNS       DATA  TYPE     FIELD        DEFINITION
        1 - 6         Record name   "ENDMDL"

        pdb_end_model_dict = {
            "record_name": "ENDMDL"

        return pdb_end_model_dict

    def create_pdb_end_model_line():
        Creates a ENDMDL (end model) line for a PDB file.
        return "ENDMDL".ljust(80)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # MASTER
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def create_pdb_master_line(num_atoms, num_hetatoms, num_ter, num_remark=0, num_het=0, num_helix=0, num_sheet=0,
                               num_site=0, num_trans=0, num_conect=0, num_seqres=0):
        Creates a MASTER (recordkeeping) line for a PDB file.

        COLUMNS         DATA TYPE     FIELD          DEFINITION
         1 -  6         Record name   "MASTER"
        11 - 15         Integer       numRemark      Number of REMARK records
        16 - 20         Integer       "0"
        21 - 25         Integer       numHet         Number of HET records
        26 - 30         Integer       numHelix       Number of HELIX records
        31 - 35         Integer       numSheet       Number of SHEET records
        36 - 40         Integer       numTurn        deprecated
        41 - 45         Integer       numSite        Number of SITE records
        46 - 50         Integer       numXform       Number of coordinate transformation
                                                     records  (ORIGX+SCALE+MTRIX)
        51 - 55         Integer       numCoord       Number of atomic coordinate records
                                                     records (ATOM+HETATM)
        56 - 60         Integer       numTer         Number of TER records
        61 - 65         Integer       numConect      Number of CONECT records
        66 - 70         Integer       numSeq         Number of SEQRES records

        entries = [
            str(num_atoms + num_hetatoms).rjust(5),

        return "".join(entries)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # SEQRES
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_seqres_line(line: str):
        Parse a SEQRES (sequence) line from a PDB file.
        pdb_seqres_dict = {
            "record_name": "SEQRES",
            "chain_id": line[11],
            "residues": line[19:].strip().split()

        return pdb_seqres_dict

    def create_seqres_line(line_no, chain_id, num_residues, residues):
        Creates a SEQRES (sequence) line for a PDB file.

         1 -  6        Record name    "SEQRES"
         8 - 10        Integer        serNum       Serial number of the SEQRES record for  the
                                                   current  chain. Starts at 1 and increments
                                                   by one  each line. Reset to 1 for each chain.
        12             Character      chainID      Chain identifier. This may be any single
                                                   legal  character, including a blank which
                                                   is used if there is only one chain.
        14 - 17        Integer        numRes       Number of residues in the chain.
                                                   This  value is repeated on every record.
        20 - 22        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        24 - 26        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        28 - 30        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        32 - 34        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        36 - 38        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        40 - 42        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        44 - 46        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        48 - 50        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        52 - 54        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        56 - 58        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        60 - 62        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        64 - 66        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        68 - 70        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
        entries = [
            "SEQRES ",
            str(line_no).rjust(3) + " ",
            chain_id + " ",
            str(num_residues).rjust(4) + "  "
        for residue in residues:
            entries.append(residue["residue"].rjust(3) + " ")
        return "".join(entries).ljust(80)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # TER
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_ter_line(line: str):
        Parse a TER (chain termination) line from a PDB file.

        COLUMNS        DATA  TYPE    FIELD           DEFINITION
         1 -  6        Record name   "TER   "
         7 - 11        Integer       serial          Serial number.
        18 - 20        Residue name  resName         Residue name.
        22             Character     chainID         Chain identifier.
        23 - 26        Integer       resSeq          Residue sequence number.
        27             AChar         iCode           Insertion code.

        if line == "TER":
            pdb_ter_dict = {
                "record_name": "TER",
                "serial": "",
                "res_name": "",
                "chain_id": "",
                "res_seq": "",
                "icode": ""
            line = line.ljust(80)
            pdb_ter_dict = {
                "record_name": "TER",
                "serial": line[6:11],
                "res_name": line[17:21],
                "chain_id": line[21],
                "res_seq": line[22:26],
                "icode": line[26]
        return pdb_ter_dict

    def create_pdb_ter_line(serial, res_name, chain_id, res_seq, icode):
        Creates a TER (chain termination) line for a PDB file.
        text = "TER".ljust(6)
        text += str(serial).rjust(5) + "      "
        text += res_name.rjust(3) + " "
        text += chain_id
        text += res_seq.rjust(4)
        text += icode.ljust(1)

        return text.ljust(80)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_atom_line(line, is_pqr_format: bool = False):
        Parse a ATOM (individual atom) or HETATM (hetero atom) line from a PDB file.

        COLUMNS        DATA  TYPE    FIELD        DEFINITION
         1 -  6        Record name   "ATOM  "
         7 - 11        Integer       serial       Atom  serial number.
        13 - 16        Atom          name         Atom name.
        17             Character     altLoc       Alternate location indicator.
        18 - 20        Residue name  resName      Residue name.
        22             Character     chainID      Chain identifier.
        23 - 26        Integer       resSeq       Residue sequence number.
        27             AChar         iCode        Code for insertion of residues.
        31 - 38        Real(8.3)     x            Orthogonal coordinates for X in Angstroms.
        39 - 46        Real(8.3)     y            Orthogonal coordinates for Y in Angstroms.
        47 - 54        Real(8.3)     z            Orthogonal coordinates for Z in Angstroms.
        55 - 60        Real(6.2)     occupancy    Occupancy.
        61 - 66        Real(6.2)     tempFactor   Temperature  factor.
        77 - 78        LString(2)    element      Element symbol, right-justified.
        79 - 80        LString(2)    charge       Charge  on the atom.`
        if not is_pqr_format:
            pdb_atom_dict = {
                "record_name": line[0:6].strip().upper(),
                "serial": line[6:11].strip(),
                # Open space
                "atom_name": line[12:16].strip(),
                "alt_loc": line[16].strip(),
                "res_name": line[17:20].strip(),
                # Open space
                "chain_id": line[21].strip(),
                "res_seq": line[22:26].strip(),
                "icode": line[26].strip(),
                # 3x Open space
                "x": float(line[30:38]),
                "y": float(line[38:46]),
                "z": float(line[46:54]),
                "occupancy": float(line[54:60]),
                # "temp_factor": None,
                "temp_factor": float(line[60:66]),
                # 66 - 75?
                "element": line[76:78].strip(),
                "assigned_charge": line[78:80].strip(),
                "calculated_charge": None,
                "radius": None
            pdb_atom_dict = {
                "record_name": line[0:6].strip().upper(),
                "serial": line[6:11].strip(),
                # Open space
                "atom_name": line[12:16].strip(),
                "alt_loc": line[16].strip(),
                "res_name": line[17:20].strip(),
                # Open space
                "chain_id": line[21].strip(),
                "res_seq": line[22:26].strip(),
                "icode": line[26].strip(),
                # 3x Open space
                "x": float(line[30:38]),
                "y": float(line[38:46]),
                "z": float(line[46:54]),

                "occupancy": 1.0,
                "temp_factor": None,

                "element": line[76:78].strip(),
                "assigned_charge": None,
                "calculated_charge": float(line[54:62]),
                "radius": float(line[62:70])
        return pdb_atom_dict

    def create_pdb_atom_line(atom: Dict, serial: int, record_name="ATOM") -> str:
        Creates a ATOM or HETATM line for a PDB file.

            atom (Dict): The atom information.
            serial (int): The serial number of the atom.
            record_name (str): The record name, should be ATOM or HETATM.

            str: The ATOM or HETATM line.
        text = record_name.ljust(6)
        text += str(serial).rjust(5) + " "

        # The PDB spec says that if the element has two characters, e.g. Fe (iron)
        # it should start at the position 13, otherwise it should start at position 14.
        # This seems a little problematic, as some atoms could use 4 characters
        # for example, HG11. The implementation here is consistent with observed PDBs
        # from the RCSB.
        if len(atom["element"]) == 2 or len(atom["atom_name"]) == 4:
            text += atom["atom_name"].ljust(4)
            text += " " + atom["atom_name"].ljust(3)
        text += ("" if atom["alt_loc"] is None else atom["alt_loc"]).ljust(1)
        text += atom["res_name"].rjust(3) + " "
        text += atom["chain_id"]
        text += atom["res_seq"].rjust(4)
        text += atom["icode"].ljust(1) + "   "
        text += f'{atom["x"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{atom["y"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{atom["z"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{1.0 if atom["occupancy"] is None else atom["occupancy"]:6.2f}'
        text += f'{0.0 if atom["temp_factor"] is None else atom["temp_factor"]:6.2f}'
        text += "".ljust(10)
        text += atom["element"].rjust(2)
        text += ("" if atom["assigned_charge"] is None else atom["assigned_charge"]).rjust(2)
        return text

    def create_pqr_atom_line(atom: Dict, serial: int, record_name="ATOM") -> str:
        Creates a ATOM or HETATM line for a PQR file.

        The PQR line is similar to the PDB ATOM line, but with additional fields
        for atomic charge and radius. The occupancy, temperature factor,
        charge and element fields from the PDB file are not used in the PQR file.

        The order of fields in a PQR file is as follows:
        Field_name Atom_number Atom_name Residue_name Chain_ID Residue_number
        X Y Z Charge Radius

            atom (Dict): The atom information.
            serial (int): The serial number of the atom.
            record_name (str): The record name, should be ATOM or HETATM.

            str: The PQR ATOM or HETATM line.
        text = record_name.ljust(6)
        text += str(serial).rjust(5) + " "

        # The PDB spec says that if the element has two characters, e.g. Fe (iron)
        # it should start at the position 13, otherwise it should start at position 14.
        # This seems a little problematic, as some atoms could use 4 characters
        # for example, HG11. The implementation here is consistent with observed PDBs
        # from the RCSB.
        if len(atom["element"]) == 2 or len(atom["atom_name"]) == 4:
            text += atom["atom_name"].ljust(4)
            text += " " + atom["atom_name"].ljust(3)
        text += ("" if atom["alt_loc"] is None else atom["alt_loc"]).ljust(1)
        text += atom["res_name"].rjust(3) + " "
        text += atom["chain_id"]
        text += atom["res_seq"].rjust(4)
        text += atom["icode"].ljust(1) + "   "
        text += f'{atom["x"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{atom["y"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{atom["z"]:8.3f}'
        text += f'{0.0 if atom["calculated_charge"] is None else atom["calculated_charge"]:8.4f}'
        text += f'{0.0 if atom["radius"] is None else atom["radius"]:7.4f}'
        # text += f'{1.0 if atom["occupancy"] is None else atom["occupancy"]:6.2f}'
        # text += f'{0.0 if atom["temp_factor"] is None else atom["temp_factor"]:6.2f}'
        # text += "".ljust(10)
        # text += atom["element"].rjust(2)
        # text += ("" if atom["charge"] is None else atom["charge"]).rjust(2)

        return text

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Main parsing and saving functions
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def parse_pdb_entries_from_string(pdb_string: str, is_pqr_format: bool = False):
        Parse a PDB file in string format into a list of entries.

            pdb_string (str): The PDB file as a string.
            is_pqr_format (bool): If the file is in PQR format.

            List[Dict]: A list of parsed entries.

        # Split the string into lines
        lines = pdb_string.split("\n")

        # Parse every line into dictionary information
        entries = []
        for line in lines:
            record_name = line[0:6].strip().upper()
            if record_name == "ATOM":
                pdb_atom_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_atom_line(line, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)
            elif record_name == "HETATM":
                pdb_atom_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_atom_line(line, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)
            elif record_name == "TER":
                pdb_ter_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_ter_line(line)
            elif record_name == "MODEL":
                pdb_model_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_model_line(line)
            elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
                pdb_end_model_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_end_model_line(line)
            elif record_name == "SEQRES":
                pdb_seqres_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_seqres_line(line)
        return entries

    def parse_pdb_entries(file_path: str, is_pqr_format: bool = False):
        Parse PDB file according to the spec provided at:
        # Open the file and extract the individual lines.
        with open(file_path) as file:
            pdb_string =

        return PDBIO.parse_pdb_entries_from_string(pdb_string, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)

    def load_from_string(pdb_string: str,
                         is_pqr_format: bool = False,
                         pdb_id: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Protein]:
        protein = Protein(pdb_id=pdb_id)
        models = []
        seqres = {}
        current_model = None
        current_chain: Optional[Chain] = None
        current_chain_id = None
        current_residue: Optional[Residue] = None
        current_residue_id = None

        entries = PDBIO.parse_pdb_entries_from_string(pdb_string, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)

        for entry in entries:
            record_name = entry["record_name"]
            if record_name == "SEQRES":
                chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
                if chain_id not in seqres:
                    seqres[chain_id] = []
            elif record_name == "MODEL":
                # Usually, the MODEL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
                # We only use the first model in a file if provided.
                # There is nothing to do, so we
            elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
                # Usually, the ENDMDL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
                # it closes a corresponding MODEL field.
                # Since the end of the model is reached, no more entries should be parsed.
            elif record_name == "TER":
                # The TER field terminates the current chain.
                current_chain = None
                current_chain_id = None
            elif record_name == "ATOM" or record_name == "HETATM":
                # If we switched chains, set the chain.
                if entry["chain_id"] != current_chain_id:
                    current_chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
                    if protein.has_chain(current_chain_id):
                        current_chain = protein.get_chain(current_chain_id)
                        current_chain = protein.create_chain(current_chain_id)

                # Check if the residue exists
                residue_id = current_chain_id + entry["res_seq"] + entry["icode"]
                if residue_id != current_residue_id:
                    current_residue_id = residue_id
                    if record_name == "ATOM":
                        # if entry["res_name"] in ResidueTemplate.VALID_DNA_RESIDUES:
                        #     current_residue = current_chain.add_dna_residue(
                        #         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
                        #         sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
                        #         insertion_code=entry["icode"]
                        #     )
                        # else:
                        current_residue = Residue(
                    elif record_name == "HETATM":
                        current_residue = Residue(

                        # current_residue = current_chain.add_het_residue(
                        #     residue_type=entry["res_name"],
                        #     sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
                        #     insertion_code=entry["icode"]
                        # )

                # Temporary fix need to see if anything breaks (For Evo eg. 2HH1 -> HH12)
                # Fix atom naming
                if entry["atom_name"][0].isnumeric():
                    entry["atom_name"] = entry["atom_name"][1:] + entry["atom_name"][0]
                    if entry["element"] != "H":
                    if entry["atom_name"][0] == "H":
                        entry["element"] = "H"

                # Add the atom to the residue
                # if entry["alt_loc"] == "":
                #     atom_id = entry["atom_name"]
                # else:
                #     atom_id = entry["atom_name"] + "_" + entry["alt_loc"]
                atom = Atom(

                    # Serial is dependent on the atom ordering,
                    # so it is not used in the Atom class
                    # pdb_serial=entry["serial"],
                    is_hetero=(record_name == "HETATM"),


                # current_residue.add_atom(atom_id, atom)
                current_residue.add_atom(atom.atom_type, atom)

        if seqres:
            for chain_id in seqres:
                if seqres[chain_id]:
                    protein.get_chain(chain_id).set_attribute("seqres", seqres[chain_id])

        # Housekeeping
        # protein.set_residue_indexing()

        return [protein]

    def load(file_path: str,
             is_pqr_format: bool = False,
             pdb_id: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Protein]:
        Load a protein from a PDB file.

            file_path (str): The path to the PDB file.
            is_pqr_format (bool): If the file is in PQR format.
            pdb_id (str): The PDB ID of the protein.

            List[Protein]: A list of proteins.

        # Open the file and extract the individual lines.
        with open(file_path) as file:
            pdb_string =

        return PDBIO.load_from_string(pdb_string, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format, pdb_id=pdb_id)

    def save_to_string(protein: Protein,
                       is_pqr_format=False) -> str:
        text_entries = []
        num_seqres = 0
        num_atoms = 0
        num_hetatoms = 0
        num_ter = 0
        serial = 1
        atom_entry = None

        for chain in protein.chains:
            for residue in chain.residues:
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    if not atom.is_hetero:
                        atom_entry = {
                            "element": atom.element,
                            "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
                            "alt_loc": atom.get_attribute("pdb_alt_loc"),
                            "res_name": residue.residue_type,
                            "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
                            "res_seq": str(residue.sequence_no),
                            "icode": residue.insertion_code,
                            "x": atom.x,
                            "y": atom.y,
                            "z": atom.z,
                            "occupancy": atom.get_attribute("occupancy"),
                            # "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
                            "temp_factor": atom.get_attribute("temp_factor"),
                            "assigned_charge": atom.get_attribute("assigned_charge"),
                            "calculated_charge": atom.get_attribute("calculated_charge"),
                            "radius": atom.get_attribute("radius")
                        if not is_pqr_format:
                            text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial))
                            text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pqr_atom_line(atom_entry, serial))

                        serial += 1
                        num_atoms += 1

            # TER entry
            if atom_entry is not None:
                serial = serial + 1
                num_ter += 1

        for chain in protein.chains:
            for residue in chain.residues:
                # HETATM entries
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    if atom.is_hetero:
                        atom_entry = {
                            "element": atom.element,
                            "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
                            "alt_loc": atom.get_attribute("pdb_alt_loc"),
                            "res_name": residue.residue_type,
                            "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
                            "res_seq": str(residue.sequence_no),
                            "icode": residue.insertion_code,
                            "x": atom.x,
                            "y": atom.y,
                            "z": atom.z,
                            "occupancy": atom.get_attribute("occupancy"),
                            # "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
                            "temp_factor": atom.get_attribute("temp_factor"),
                            "charge": atom.get_attribute("assigned_charge"),
                            "assigned_charge": atom.get_attribute("assigned_charge"),
                            "calculated_charge": atom.get_attribute("calculated_charge"),
                            "radius": atom.get_attribute("radius")
                        if not is_pqr_format:
                            text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial, record_name="HETATM"))
                            text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pqr_atom_line(atom_entry, serial, record_name="HETATM"))

                        serial += 1
                        num_hetatoms += 1
            # Hetero residues have no TER records, so no need to write a termination code.

        # Bookkeeping records
        text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pdb_master_line(num_atoms, num_hetatoms, num_ter, num_seqres=num_seqres))

        return "\n".join(text_entries)

    def save(protein: Protein,
             file_path: str,
             is_pqr_format=False) -> None:

        pdb_string = PDBIO.save_to_string(protein, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)

        with open(file_path, "w") as file:

    # TODO: from_pdb_text and to_pdb_text was added by Claudio
    # The intent is that one should parse proteins from text
    # without working with files. However, a lot of code copying
    # was made and it need to be reworked significantly.

    # @staticmethod
    # def from_pdb_text(lines) -> List[Protein]:
    #     lines = lines.split("\n")
    #     entries = []
    #     for line in lines:
    #         record_name = line[0:6].strip().upper()
    #         if record_name == "ATOM":
    #             pdb_atom_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_atom_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_atom_dict)
    #         elif record_name == "HETATM":
    #             pdb_atom_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_atom_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_atom_dict)
    #         elif record_name == "TER":
    #             pdb_ter_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_ter_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_ter_dict)
    #         elif record_name == "MODEL":
    #             pdb_model_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_model_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_model_dict)
    #         elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
    #             pdb_end_model_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_end_model_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_end_model_dict)
    #         elif record_name == "SEQRES":
    #             pdb_seqres_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_seqres_line(line)
    #             entries.append(pdb_seqres_dict)
    #     protein = Protein()
    #     models = []
    #     seqres = {}
    #     current_model = None
    #     current_chain: Optional[Chain] = None
    #     current_chain_id = None
    #     current_residue: Optional[Residue] = None
    #     current_residue_id = None
    #     for entry in entries:
    #         record_name = entry["record_name"]
    #         if record_name == "SEQRES":
    #             chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
    #             if chain_id not in seqres:
    #                 seqres[chain_id] = []
    #             seqres[chain_id].extend(entry["residues"])
    #         elif record_name == "MODEL":
    #             # Usually, the MODEL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
    #             # We only use the first model in a file if provided.
    #             # There is nothing to do, so we
    #             pass
    #         elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
    #             # Usually, the ENDMDL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
    #             # it closes a corresponding MODEL field.
    #             # Since the end of the model is reached, no more entries should be parsed.
    #             break
    #         elif record_name == "TER":
    #             # The TER field terminates the current chain.
    #             current_chain = None
    #             current_chain_id = None
    #         elif record_name == "ATOM" or record_name == "HETATM":
    #             # If we switched chains, set the chain.
    #             if entry["chain_id"] != current_chain_id:
    #                 current_chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
    #                 if protein.has_chain(current_chain_id):
    #                     current_chain = protein.get_chain(current_chain_id)
    #                 else:
    #                     current_chain = protein.create_chain(current_chain_id)
    #             # Check if the residue exists
    #             residue_id = current_chain_id + entry["res_seq"] + entry["icode"]
    #             if residue_id != current_residue_id:
    #                 current_residue_id = residue_id
    #                 if record_name == "ATOM":
    #                     # if entry["res_name"] in ResidueTemplate.VALID_DNA_RESIDUES:
    #                     #     current_residue = current_chain.add_dna_residue(
    #                     #         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                     #         sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                     #         insertion_code=entry["icode"]
    #                     #     )
    #                     # else:
    #                     current_residue = Residue(
    #                         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                         sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                         insertion_code=entry["icode"],
    #                         chain=current_chain)
    #                     current_chain.add_residue(current_residue)
    #                 elif record_name == "HETATM":
    #                     current_residue = Residue(
    #                         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                         sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                         insertion_code=entry["icode"],
    #                         chain=current_chain)
    #                     current_chain.add_residue(current_residue)
    #                     # current_residue = current_chain.add_het_residue(
    #                     #     residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                     #     sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                     #     insertion_code=entry["icode"]
    #                     # )
    #             # Temporary fix need to see if anything breaks (For Evo eg. 2HH1 -> HH12)
    #             # Fix atom naming
    #             if entry["atom_name"][0].isnumeric():
    #                 entry["atom_name"] = entry["atom_name"][1:] + entry["atom_name"][0]
    #                 if entry["element"] != "H":
    #                     print(0)
    #                 if entry["atom_name"][0] == "H":
    #                     entry["element"] = "H"
    #             # Add the atom to the residue
    #             if entry["alt_loc"] == "":
    #                 atom_id = entry["atom_name"]
    #             else:
    #                 atom_id = entry["atom_name"] + "_" + entry["alt_loc"]
    #             atom = Atom(
    #                 element=entry["element"],
    #                 atom_type=entry["atom_name"],
    #                 x=entry["x"],
    #                 y=entry["y"],
    #                 z=entry["z"],
    #                 # pdb_serial=entry["serial"],
    #                 # pdb_alt_loc=entry["alt_loc"],
    #                 # pdb_occupancy=entry["occupancy"],
    #                 # pdb_temp_factor=entry["temp_factor"],
    #                 # pdb_assigned_charge=entry["assigned_charge"],
    #                 # pqr_calculated_charge=entry["calculated_charge"],
    #                 # pqr_radius=entry["radius"],
    #                 #
    #                 is_hetero=(record_name == "HETATM"),
    #                 residue=current_residue
    #             )
    #             current_residue.add_atom(atom_id, atom)
    #     # if seqres:
    #     #     for chain_id in seqres:
    #     #         if seqres[chain_id]:
    #     #             protein.chains[chain_id].sequence = seqres[chain_id]
    #     # Housekeeping
    #     # protein.set_residue_indexing()
    #     return [protein]

    # @staticmethod
    # def to_pdb_text(protein: Protein):
    #     text_entries = ""
    #     num_seqres = 0
    #     num_atoms = 0
    #     num_hetatoms = 0
    #     num_ter = 0
    #     serial = 1
    #     for chain in protein.chains:
    #         for residue in chain.residues:
    #             for atom in residue.atoms:
    #                 if not atom.is_hetero:
    #                     atom_entry = {
    #                         "element": atom.element,
    #                         "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
    #                         "alt_loc": atom.get_attribute("pdb_alt_loc"),
    #                         "res_name": residue.residue_type,
    #                         "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
    #                         "res_seq": str(residue.sequence_no),
    #                         "icode": residue.insertion_code,
    #                         "x": atom.x,
    #                         "y": atom.y,
    #                         "z": atom.z,
    #                         "occupancy": atom.get_attribute("occupancy"),
    #                         # "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
    #                         "temp_factor": atom.get_attribute("temp_factor"),
    #                         "charge": atom.get_attribute("assigned_charge")
    #                     }
    #                     text_entries += PDBIO.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial)
    #                     text_entries += "\n"
    #                     serial += 1
    #                     num_atoms += 1
    #     # Bookkeeping records
    #     text_entries += PDBIO.create_pdb_master_line(num_atoms, num_hetatoms, num_ter, num_seqres=num_seqres)
    #     text_entries += "END".ljust(80)
    #     text_entries += "\n"
    #     return text_entries

    # @staticmethod
    # def save_to_pdb(file_path: str, protein):
    #     entries = []
    #     num_seqres = 0
    #     num_atoms = 0
    #     num_hetatoms = 0
    #     num_ter = 0
    #     serial = 1
    #     for chain in protein.chains:
    #         for residue in chain.residues:
    #             # ATOM entries
    #             for atom in residue.atoms:
    #                 if not atom.is_hetero:
    #                     atom_entry = {
    #                         "element": atom.element,
    #                         "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
    #                         "alt_loc": atom._pdb_alt_loc,
    #                         "res_name": residue.residue_type,
    #                         "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
    #                         "res_seq": str(residue._pdb_sequence_no),
    #                         "icode": residue._pdb_insertion_code,
    #                         "x": atom.x,
    #                         "y": atom.y,
    #                         "z": atom.z,
    #                         "occupancy": atom._pdb_occupancy,
    #                         "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
    #                         "charge": atom._pdb_assigned_charge
    #                     }
    #                     entries.append(PDBParser.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial))
    #                     serial += 1
    #                     num_atoms += 1
    #         # TER entry
    #         if chain.num_residues - chain.num_hetero_residues > 0:
    #             entries.append(
    #                 PDBParser.create_pdb_ter_line(serial, atom_entry["res_name"], chain.chain_id, atom_entry["res_seq"],
    #                                               atom_entry["icode"]))
    #             serial = serial + 1
    #             num_ter += 1
    #     for chain in protein.chains:
    #         for residue in chain.residues:
    #             # HETATM entries
    #             for atom in residue.atoms:
    #                 if atom.is_hetero:
    #                     atom_entry = {
    #                         "element": atom.element,
    #                         "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
    #                         "alt_loc": atom._pdb_alt_loc,
    #                         "res_name": residue.residue_type,
    #                         "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
    #                         "res_seq": str(residue._pdb_sequence_no),
    #                         "icode": residue._pdb_insertion_code,
    #                         "x": atom.x,
    #                         "y": atom.y,
    #                         "z": atom.z,
    #                         "occupancy": atom._pdb_occupancy,
    #                         "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
    #                         "charge": atom._pdb_assigned_charge
    #                     }
    #                     entries.append(PDBParser.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial, "HETATM"))
    #                     serial += 1
    #                     num_hetatoms += 1
    #         # Hetero residues have no TER records, so no need to write a termination code.
    #     # Bookkeeping records
    #     entries.append(PDBParser.create_pdb_master_line(num_atoms, num_hetatoms, num_ter, num_seqres=num_seqres))
    #     entries.append("END".ljust(80))
    #     # Write file
    #     with open(file_path, "w") as file:
    #         file.write("\n".join(entries))

    # @staticmethod
    # def load_from_pdb(file_path: str):
    #     entries = PDBParser.parse_pdb_entries(file_path)
    #     protein = Protein()
    #     models = []
    #     seqres = {}
    #     current_model = None
    #     current_chain: Chain = None
    #     current_chain_id = None
    #     current_residue: Residue = None
    #     current_residue_id = None
    #     for entry in entries:
    #         record_name = entry["record_name"]
    #         if record_name == "SEQRES":
    #             chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
    #             if chain_id not in seqres:
    #                 seqres[chain_id] = []
    #             seqres[chain_id].extend(entry["residues"])
    #         elif record_name == "MODEL":
    #             # Usually, the MODEL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
    #             # We only use the first model in a file if provided.
    #             # There is nothing to do, so we
    #             pass
    #         elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
    #             # Usually, the ENDMDL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
    #             # it closes a corresponding MODEL field.
    #             # Since the end of the model is reached, no more entries should be parsed.
    #             break
    #         elif record_name == "TER":
    #             # The TER field terminates the current chain.
    #             current_chain = None
    #             current_chain_id = None
    #         elif record_name == "ATOM" or record_name == "HETATM":
    #             # If we switched chains, set the chain.
    #             if entry["chain_id"] != current_chain_id:
    #                 current_chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
    #                 if current_chain_id in protein._chains:
    #                     current_chain = protein._chains[current_chain_id]
    #                 else:
    #                     current_chain = protein.create_chain(current_chain_id)
    #             # Check if the residue exists
    #             residue_id = current_chain_id + entry["res_seq"] + entry["icode"]
    #             if residue_id != current_residue_id:
    #                 current_residue_id = residue_id
    #                 if record_name == "ATOM":
    #                     # if entry["res_name"] in ResidueTemplate.VALID_DNA_RESIDUES:
    #                     #     current_residue = current_chain.add_dna_residue(
    #                     #         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                     #         sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                     #         insertion_code=entry["icode"]
    #                     #     )
    #                     # else:
    #                     current_residue = Residue(
    #                         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                         pdb_sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                         pdb_insertion_code=entry["icode"],
    #                         chain=current_chain)
    #                     current_chain.add_residue(current_residue)
    #                 elif record_name == "HETATM":
    #                     current_residue = Residue(
    #                         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                         pdb_sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                         pdb_insertion_code=entry["icode"],
    #                         chain=current_chain)
    #                     current_chain.add_residue(current_residue)
    #                     # current_residue = current_chain.add_het_residue(
    #                     #     residue_type=entry["res_name"],
    #                     #     sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
    #                     #     insertion_code=entry["icode"]
    #                     # )
    #             # Temporary fix need to see if anything breaks (For Evo eg. 2HH1 -> HH12)
    #             # Fix atom naming
    #             if entry["atom_name"][0].isnumeric():
    #                 entry["atom_name"] = entry["atom_name"][1:] + entry["atom_name"][0]
    #                 if entry["element"] != "H":
    #                     print(0)
    #                 if entry["atom_name"][0] == "H":
    #                     entry["element"] = "H"
    #             # Add the atom to the residue
    #             if entry["alt_loc"] == "":
    #                 atom_id = entry["atom_name"]
    #             else:
    #                 atom_id = entry["atom_name"] + "_" + entry["alt_loc"]
    #             atom = Atom(
    #                 element=entry["element"],
    #                 atom_type=entry["atom_name"],
    #                 x=entry["x"],
    #                 y=entry["y"],
    #                 z=entry["z"],
    #                 pdb_serial=entry["serial"],
    #                 pdb_alt_loc=entry["alt_loc"],
    #                 pdb_occupancy=entry["occupancy"],
    #                 pdb_temp_factor=entry["temp_factor"],
    #                 pdb_assigned_charge=entry["assigned_charge"],
    #                 pqr_calculated_charge=entry["calculated_charge"],
    #                 pqr_radius=entry["radius"],
    #                 is_hetero=(record_name == "HETATM"),
    #                 residue=current_residue
    #             )
    #             current_residue.add_atom(atom_id, atom)
    #     # if seqres:
    #     #     for chain_id in seqres:
    #     #         if seqres[chain_id]:
    #     #             protein.chains[chain_id].sequence = seqres[chain_id]
    #     # Housekeeping
    #     protein.set_residue_indexing()
    #     return protein

Static methods

def create_pdb_atom_line(atom: Dict, serial: int, record_name='ATOM') ‑> str

Creates a ATOM or HETATM line for a PDB file.


atom : Dict
The atom information.
serial : int
The serial number of the atom.
record_name : str
The record name, should be ATOM or HETATM.


The ATOM or HETATM line.
Expand source code
def create_pdb_atom_line(atom: Dict, serial: int, record_name="ATOM") -> str:
    Creates a ATOM or HETATM line for a PDB file.

        atom (Dict): The atom information.
        serial (int): The serial number of the atom.
        record_name (str): The record name, should be ATOM or HETATM.

        str: The ATOM or HETATM line.
    text = record_name.ljust(6)
    text += str(serial).rjust(5) + " "

    # The PDB spec says that if the element has two characters, e.g. Fe (iron)
    # it should start at the position 13, otherwise it should start at position 14.
    # This seems a little problematic, as some atoms could use 4 characters
    # for example, HG11. The implementation here is consistent with observed PDBs
    # from the RCSB.
    if len(atom["element"]) == 2 or len(atom["atom_name"]) == 4:
        text += atom["atom_name"].ljust(4)
        text += " " + atom["atom_name"].ljust(3)
    text += ("" if atom["alt_loc"] is None else atom["alt_loc"]).ljust(1)
    text += atom["res_name"].rjust(3) + " "
    text += atom["chain_id"]
    text += atom["res_seq"].rjust(4)
    text += atom["icode"].ljust(1) + "   "
    text += f'{atom["x"]:8.3f}'
    text += f'{atom["y"]:8.3f}'
    text += f'{atom["z"]:8.3f}'
    text += f'{1.0 if atom["occupancy"] is None else atom["occupancy"]:6.2f}'
    text += f'{0.0 if atom["temp_factor"] is None else atom["temp_factor"]:6.2f}'
    text += "".ljust(10)
    text += atom["element"].rjust(2)
    text += ("" if atom["assigned_charge"] is None else atom["assigned_charge"]).rjust(2)
    return text
def create_pdb_end_model_line()

Creates a ENDMDL (end model) line for a PDB file.

Expand source code
def create_pdb_end_model_line():
    Creates a ENDMDL (end model) line for a PDB file.
    return "ENDMDL".ljust(80)
def create_pdb_master_line(num_atoms, num_hetatoms, num_ter, num_remark=0, num_het=0, num_helix=0, num_sheet=0, num_site=0, num_trans=0, num_conect=0, num_seqres=0)

Creates a MASTER (recordkeeping) line for a PDB file.

Columns Data Type Field Definition

1 - 6 Record name "MASTER" 11 - 15 Integer numRemark Number of REMARK records 16 - 20 Integer "0" 21 - 25 Integer numHet Number of HET records 26 - 30 Integer numHelix Number of HELIX records 31 - 35 Integer numSheet Number of SHEET records 36 - 40 Integer numTurn deprecated 41 - 45 Integer numSite Number of SITE records 46 - 50 Integer numXform Number of coordinate transformation records (ORIGX+SCALE+MTRIX) 51 - 55 Integer numCoord Number of atomic coordinate records records (ATOM+HETATM) 56 - 60 Integer numTer Number of TER records 61 - 65 Integer numConect Number of CONECT records 66 - 70 Integer numSeq Number of SEQRES records

Expand source code
def create_pdb_master_line(num_atoms, num_hetatoms, num_ter, num_remark=0, num_het=0, num_helix=0, num_sheet=0,
                           num_site=0, num_trans=0, num_conect=0, num_seqres=0):
    Creates a MASTER (recordkeeping) line for a PDB file.

     1 -  6         Record name   "MASTER"
    11 - 15         Integer       numRemark      Number of REMARK records
    16 - 20         Integer       "0"
    21 - 25         Integer       numHet         Number of HET records
    26 - 30         Integer       numHelix       Number of HELIX records
    31 - 35         Integer       numSheet       Number of SHEET records
    36 - 40         Integer       numTurn        deprecated
    41 - 45         Integer       numSite        Number of SITE records
    46 - 50         Integer       numXform       Number of coordinate transformation
                                                 records  (ORIGX+SCALE+MTRIX)
    51 - 55         Integer       numCoord       Number of atomic coordinate records
                                                 records (ATOM+HETATM)
    56 - 60         Integer       numTer         Number of TER records
    61 - 65         Integer       numConect      Number of CONECT records
    66 - 70         Integer       numSeq         Number of SEQRES records

    entries = [
        str(num_atoms + num_hetatoms).rjust(5),

    return "".join(entries)
def create_pdb_model_line(serial: int)

Creates a MODEL (start model) line for a PDB file.

Expand source code
def create_pdb_model_line(serial: int):
    Creates a MODEL (start model) line for a PDB file.
    return "MODEL".ljust(10) + str(serial).rjust(4) + "".ljust(66)
def create_pdb_ter_line(serial, res_name, chain_id, res_seq, icode)

Creates a TER (chain termination) line for a PDB file.

Expand source code
def create_pdb_ter_line(serial, res_name, chain_id, res_seq, icode):
    Creates a TER (chain termination) line for a PDB file.
    text = "TER".ljust(6)
    text += str(serial).rjust(5) + "      "
    text += res_name.rjust(3) + " "
    text += chain_id
    text += res_seq.rjust(4)
    text += icode.ljust(1)

    return text.ljust(80)
def create_pqr_atom_line(atom: Dict, serial: int, record_name='ATOM') ‑> str

Creates a ATOM or HETATM line for a PQR file.

The PQR line is similar to the PDB ATOM line, but with additional fields for atomic charge and radius. The occupancy, temperature factor, charge and element fields from the PDB file are not used in the PQR file.

See: The order of fields in a PQR file is as follows: Field_name Atom_number Atom_name Residue_name Chain_ID Residue_number X Y Z Charge Radius


atom : Dict
The atom information.
serial : int
The serial number of the atom.
record_name : str
The record name, should be ATOM or HETATM.


The PQR ATOM or HETATM line.
Expand source code
def create_pqr_atom_line(atom: Dict, serial: int, record_name="ATOM") -> str:
    Creates a ATOM or HETATM line for a PQR file.

    The PQR line is similar to the PDB ATOM line, but with additional fields
    for atomic charge and radius. The occupancy, temperature factor,
    charge and element fields from the PDB file are not used in the PQR file.

    The order of fields in a PQR file is as follows:
    Field_name Atom_number Atom_name Residue_name Chain_ID Residue_number
    X Y Z Charge Radius

        atom (Dict): The atom information.
        serial (int): The serial number of the atom.
        record_name (str): The record name, should be ATOM or HETATM.

        str: The PQR ATOM or HETATM line.
    text = record_name.ljust(6)
    text += str(serial).rjust(5) + " "

    # The PDB spec says that if the element has two characters, e.g. Fe (iron)
    # it should start at the position 13, otherwise it should start at position 14.
    # This seems a little problematic, as some atoms could use 4 characters
    # for example, HG11. The implementation here is consistent with observed PDBs
    # from the RCSB.
    if len(atom["element"]) == 2 or len(atom["atom_name"]) == 4:
        text += atom["atom_name"].ljust(4)
        text += " " + atom["atom_name"].ljust(3)
    text += ("" if atom["alt_loc"] is None else atom["alt_loc"]).ljust(1)
    text += atom["res_name"].rjust(3) + " "
    text += atom["chain_id"]
    text += atom["res_seq"].rjust(4)
    text += atom["icode"].ljust(1) + "   "
    text += f'{atom["x"]:8.3f}'
    text += f'{atom["y"]:8.3f}'
    text += f'{atom["z"]:8.3f}'
    text += f'{0.0 if atom["calculated_charge"] is None else atom["calculated_charge"]:8.4f}'
    text += f'{0.0 if atom["radius"] is None else atom["radius"]:7.4f}'
    # text += f'{1.0 if atom["occupancy"] is None else atom["occupancy"]:6.2f}'
    # text += f'{0.0 if atom["temp_factor"] is None else atom["temp_factor"]:6.2f}'
    # text += "".ljust(10)
    # text += atom["element"].rjust(2)
    # text += ("" if atom["charge"] is None else atom["charge"]).rjust(2)

    return text
def create_seqres_line(line_no, chain_id, num_residues, residues)

Creates a SEQRES (sequence) line for a PDB file.

1 - 6 Record name "SEQRES" 8 - 10 Integer serNum Serial number of the SEQRES record for the current chain. Starts at 1 and increments by one each line. Reset to 1 for each chain. 12 Character chainID Chain identifier. This may be any single legal character, including a blank which is used if there is only one chain. 14 - 17 Integer numRes Number of residues in the chain. This value is repeated on every record. 20 - 22 Residue name resName Residue name. 24 - 26 Residue name resName Residue name. 28 - 30 Residue name resName Residue name. 32 - 34 Residue name resName Residue name. 36 - 38 Residue name resName Residue name. 40 - 42 Residue name resName Residue name. 44 - 46 Residue name resName Residue name. 48 - 50 Residue name resName Residue name. 52 - 54 Residue name resName Residue name. 56 - 58 Residue name resName Residue name. 60 - 62 Residue name resName Residue name. 64 - 66 Residue name resName Residue name. 68 - 70 Residue name resName Residue name.

Expand source code
def create_seqres_line(line_no, chain_id, num_residues, residues):
    Creates a SEQRES (sequence) line for a PDB file.

     1 -  6        Record name    "SEQRES"
     8 - 10        Integer        serNum       Serial number of the SEQRES record for  the
                                               current  chain. Starts at 1 and increments
                                               by one  each line. Reset to 1 for each chain.
    12             Character      chainID      Chain identifier. This may be any single
                                               legal  character, including a blank which
                                               is used if there is only one chain.
    14 - 17        Integer        numRes       Number of residues in the chain.
                                               This  value is repeated on every record.
    20 - 22        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    24 - 26        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    28 - 30        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    32 - 34        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    36 - 38        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    40 - 42        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    44 - 46        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    48 - 50        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    52 - 54        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    56 - 58        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    60 - 62        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    64 - 66        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    68 - 70        Residue name   resName      Residue name.
    entries = [
        "SEQRES ",
        str(line_no).rjust(3) + " ",
        chain_id + " ",
        str(num_residues).rjust(4) + "  "
    for residue in residues:
        entries.append(residue["residue"].rjust(3) + " ")
    return "".join(entries).ljust(80)
def load(file_path: str, is_pqr_format: bool = False, pdb_id: Optional[str] = None) ‑> List[Protein]

Load a protein from a PDB file.


file_path : str
The path to the PDB file.
is_pqr_format : bool
If the file is in PQR format.
pdb_id : str
The PDB ID of the protein.


A list of proteins.
Expand source code
def load(file_path: str,
         is_pqr_format: bool = False,
         pdb_id: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Protein]:
    Load a protein from a PDB file.

        file_path (str): The path to the PDB file.
        is_pqr_format (bool): If the file is in PQR format.
        pdb_id (str): The PDB ID of the protein.

        List[Protein]: A list of proteins.

    # Open the file and extract the individual lines.
    with open(file_path) as file:
        pdb_string =

    return PDBIO.load_from_string(pdb_string, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format, pdb_id=pdb_id)
def load_from_string(pdb_string: str, is_pqr_format: bool = False, pdb_id: Optional[str] = None) ‑> List[Protein]
Expand source code
def load_from_string(pdb_string: str,
                     is_pqr_format: bool = False,
                     pdb_id: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Protein]:
    protein = Protein(pdb_id=pdb_id)
    models = []
    seqres = {}
    current_model = None
    current_chain: Optional[Chain] = None
    current_chain_id = None
    current_residue: Optional[Residue] = None
    current_residue_id = None

    entries = PDBIO.parse_pdb_entries_from_string(pdb_string, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)

    for entry in entries:
        record_name = entry["record_name"]
        if record_name == "SEQRES":
            chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
            if chain_id not in seqres:
                seqres[chain_id] = []
        elif record_name == "MODEL":
            # Usually, the MODEL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
            # We only use the first model in a file if provided.
            # There is nothing to do, so we
        elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
            # Usually, the ENDMDL field will only be found in structures based on NMR.
            # it closes a corresponding MODEL field.
            # Since the end of the model is reached, no more entries should be parsed.
        elif record_name == "TER":
            # The TER field terminates the current chain.
            current_chain = None
            current_chain_id = None
        elif record_name == "ATOM" or record_name == "HETATM":
            # If we switched chains, set the chain.
            if entry["chain_id"] != current_chain_id:
                current_chain_id = entry["chain_id"]
                if protein.has_chain(current_chain_id):
                    current_chain = protein.get_chain(current_chain_id)
                    current_chain = protein.create_chain(current_chain_id)

            # Check if the residue exists
            residue_id = current_chain_id + entry["res_seq"] + entry["icode"]
            if residue_id != current_residue_id:
                current_residue_id = residue_id
                if record_name == "ATOM":
                    # if entry["res_name"] in ResidueTemplate.VALID_DNA_RESIDUES:
                    #     current_residue = current_chain.add_dna_residue(
                    #         residue_type=entry["res_name"],
                    #         sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
                    #         insertion_code=entry["icode"]
                    #     )
                    # else:
                    current_residue = Residue(
                elif record_name == "HETATM":
                    current_residue = Residue(

                    # current_residue = current_chain.add_het_residue(
                    #     residue_type=entry["res_name"],
                    #     sequence_no=int(entry["res_seq"]),
                    #     insertion_code=entry["icode"]
                    # )

            # Temporary fix need to see if anything breaks (For Evo eg. 2HH1 -> HH12)
            # Fix atom naming
            if entry["atom_name"][0].isnumeric():
                entry["atom_name"] = entry["atom_name"][1:] + entry["atom_name"][0]
                if entry["element"] != "H":
                if entry["atom_name"][0] == "H":
                    entry["element"] = "H"

            # Add the atom to the residue
            # if entry["alt_loc"] == "":
            #     atom_id = entry["atom_name"]
            # else:
            #     atom_id = entry["atom_name"] + "_" + entry["alt_loc"]
            atom = Atom(

                # Serial is dependent on the atom ordering,
                # so it is not used in the Atom class
                # pdb_serial=entry["serial"],
                is_hetero=(record_name == "HETATM"),


            # current_residue.add_atom(atom_id, atom)
            current_residue.add_atom(atom.atom_type, atom)

    if seqres:
        for chain_id in seqres:
            if seqres[chain_id]:
                protein.get_chain(chain_id).set_attribute("seqres", seqres[chain_id])

    # Housekeeping
    # protein.set_residue_indexing()

    return [protein]
def parse_pdb_atom_line(line, is_pqr_format: bool = False)

Parse a ATOM (individual atom) or HETATM (hetero atom) line from a PDB file.

Columns Data Type Field Definition

1 - 6 Record name "ATOM " 7 - 11 Integer serial Atom serial number. 13 - 16 Atom name Atom name. 17 Character altLoc Alternate location indicator. 18 - 20 Residue name resName Residue name. 22 Character chainID Chain identifier. 23 - 26 Integer resSeq Residue sequence number. 27 AChar iCode Code for insertion of residues. 31 - 38 Real(8.3) x Orthogonal coordinates for X in Angstroms. 39 - 46 Real(8.3) y Orthogonal coordinates for Y in Angstroms. 47 - 54 Real(8.3) z Orthogonal coordinates for Z in Angstroms. 55 - 60 Real(6.2) occupancy Occupancy. 61 - 66 Real(6.2) tempFactor Temperature factor. 77 - 78 LString(2) element Element symbol, right-justified. 79 - 80 LString(2) charge Charge on the atom.`

Expand source code
def parse_pdb_atom_line(line, is_pqr_format: bool = False):
    Parse a ATOM (individual atom) or HETATM (hetero atom) line from a PDB file.

     1 -  6        Record name   "ATOM  "
     7 - 11        Integer       serial       Atom  serial number.
    13 - 16        Atom          name         Atom name.
    17             Character     altLoc       Alternate location indicator.
    18 - 20        Residue name  resName      Residue name.
    22             Character     chainID      Chain identifier.
    23 - 26        Integer       resSeq       Residue sequence number.
    27             AChar         iCode        Code for insertion of residues.
    31 - 38        Real(8.3)     x            Orthogonal coordinates for X in Angstroms.
    39 - 46        Real(8.3)     y            Orthogonal coordinates for Y in Angstroms.
    47 - 54        Real(8.3)     z            Orthogonal coordinates for Z in Angstroms.
    55 - 60        Real(6.2)     occupancy    Occupancy.
    61 - 66        Real(6.2)     tempFactor   Temperature  factor.
    77 - 78        LString(2)    element      Element symbol, right-justified.
    79 - 80        LString(2)    charge       Charge  on the atom.`
    if not is_pqr_format:
        pdb_atom_dict = {
            "record_name": line[0:6].strip().upper(),
            "serial": line[6:11].strip(),
            # Open space
            "atom_name": line[12:16].strip(),
            "alt_loc": line[16].strip(),
            "res_name": line[17:20].strip(),
            # Open space
            "chain_id": line[21].strip(),
            "res_seq": line[22:26].strip(),
            "icode": line[26].strip(),
            # 3x Open space
            "x": float(line[30:38]),
            "y": float(line[38:46]),
            "z": float(line[46:54]),
            "occupancy": float(line[54:60]),
            # "temp_factor": None,
            "temp_factor": float(line[60:66]),
            # 66 - 75?
            "element": line[76:78].strip(),
            "assigned_charge": line[78:80].strip(),
            "calculated_charge": None,
            "radius": None
        pdb_atom_dict = {
            "record_name": line[0:6].strip().upper(),
            "serial": line[6:11].strip(),
            # Open space
            "atom_name": line[12:16].strip(),
            "alt_loc": line[16].strip(),
            "res_name": line[17:20].strip(),
            # Open space
            "chain_id": line[21].strip(),
            "res_seq": line[22:26].strip(),
            "icode": line[26].strip(),
            # 3x Open space
            "x": float(line[30:38]),
            "y": float(line[38:46]),
            "z": float(line[46:54]),

            "occupancy": 1.0,
            "temp_factor": None,

            "element": line[76:78].strip(),
            "assigned_charge": None,
            "calculated_charge": float(line[54:62]),
            "radius": float(line[62:70])
    return pdb_atom_dict
def parse_pdb_end_model_line(line: str)

Parse a ENDMDL (end model) line from a PDB file.

Columns Data Type Field Definition

1 - 6 Record name "ENDMDL"

Expand source code
def parse_pdb_end_model_line(line: str):
    Parse a ENDMDL (end model) line from a PDB file.

    1 - 6         Record name   "ENDMDL"

    pdb_end_model_dict = {
        "record_name": "ENDMDL"

    return pdb_end_model_dict
def parse_pdb_entries(file_path: str, is_pqr_format: bool = False)
Expand source code
def parse_pdb_entries(file_path: str, is_pqr_format: bool = False):
    Parse PDB file according to the spec provided at:
    # Open the file and extract the individual lines.
    with open(file_path) as file:
        pdb_string =

    return PDBIO.parse_pdb_entries_from_string(pdb_string, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)
def parse_pdb_entries_from_string(pdb_string: str, is_pqr_format: bool = False)

Parse a PDB file in string format into a list of entries.


pdb_string : str
The PDB file as a string.
is_pqr_format : bool
If the file is in PQR format.


A list of parsed entries.
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def parse_pdb_entries_from_string(pdb_string: str, is_pqr_format: bool = False):
    Parse a PDB file in string format into a list of entries.

        pdb_string (str): The PDB file as a string.
        is_pqr_format (bool): If the file is in PQR format.

        List[Dict]: A list of parsed entries.

    # Split the string into lines
    lines = pdb_string.split("\n")

    # Parse every line into dictionary information
    entries = []
    for line in lines:
        record_name = line[0:6].strip().upper()
        if record_name == "ATOM":
            pdb_atom_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_atom_line(line, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)
        elif record_name == "HETATM":
            pdb_atom_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_atom_line(line, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)
        elif record_name == "TER":
            pdb_ter_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_ter_line(line)
        elif record_name == "MODEL":
            pdb_model_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_model_line(line)
        elif record_name == "ENDMDL":
            pdb_end_model_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_end_model_line(line)
        elif record_name == "SEQRES":
            pdb_seqres_dict = PDBIO.parse_pdb_seqres_line(line)
    return entries
def parse_pdb_model_line(line: str)

Parse a MODEL (start model) line from a PDB file.

Columns Data Type Field Definition

1 - 6 Record name "MODEL " 11 - 14 Integer serial Model serial number.

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def parse_pdb_model_line(line: str):
    Parse a MODEL (start model) line from a PDB file.

     1 -  6        Record name   "MODEL "
    11 - 14        Integer       serial         Model serial number.
    pdb_model_dict = {
        "record_name": "MODEL",
        "serial": line[10:14]

    return pdb_model_dict
def parse_pdb_seqres_line(line: str)

Parse a SEQRES (sequence) line from a PDB file.

Expand source code
def parse_pdb_seqres_line(line: str):
    Parse a SEQRES (sequence) line from a PDB file.
    pdb_seqres_dict = {
        "record_name": "SEQRES",
        "chain_id": line[11],
        "residues": line[19:].strip().split()

    return pdb_seqres_dict
def parse_pdb_ter_line(line: str)

Parse a TER (chain termination) line from a PDB file.

Columns Data Type Field Definition

1 - 6 Record name "TER " 7 - 11 Integer serial Serial number. 18 - 20 Residue name resName Residue name. 22 Character chainID Chain identifier. 23 - 26 Integer resSeq Residue sequence number. 27 AChar iCode Insertion code.

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def parse_pdb_ter_line(line: str):
    Parse a TER (chain termination) line from a PDB file.

     1 -  6        Record name   "TER   "
     7 - 11        Integer       serial          Serial number.
    18 - 20        Residue name  resName         Residue name.
    22             Character     chainID         Chain identifier.
    23 - 26        Integer       resSeq          Residue sequence number.
    27             AChar         iCode           Insertion code.

    if line == "TER":
        pdb_ter_dict = {
            "record_name": "TER",
            "serial": "",
            "res_name": "",
            "chain_id": "",
            "res_seq": "",
            "icode": ""
        line = line.ljust(80)
        pdb_ter_dict = {
            "record_name": "TER",
            "serial": line[6:11],
            "res_name": line[17:21],
            "chain_id": line[21],
            "res_seq": line[22:26],
            "icode": line[26]
    return pdb_ter_dict
def save(protein: Protein, file_path: str, is_pqr_format=False) ‑> None
Expand source code
def save(protein: Protein,
         file_path: str,
         is_pqr_format=False) -> None:

    pdb_string = PDBIO.save_to_string(protein, is_pqr_format=is_pqr_format)

    with open(file_path, "w") as file:
def save_to_string(protein: Protein, is_pqr_format=False) ‑> str
Expand source code
def save_to_string(protein: Protein,
                   is_pqr_format=False) -> str:
    text_entries = []
    num_seqres = 0
    num_atoms = 0
    num_hetatoms = 0
    num_ter = 0
    serial = 1
    atom_entry = None

    for chain in protein.chains:
        for residue in chain.residues:
            for atom in residue.atoms:
                if not atom.is_hetero:
                    atom_entry = {
                        "element": atom.element,
                        "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
                        "alt_loc": atom.get_attribute("pdb_alt_loc"),
                        "res_name": residue.residue_type,
                        "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
                        "res_seq": str(residue.sequence_no),
                        "icode": residue.insertion_code,
                        "x": atom.x,
                        "y": atom.y,
                        "z": atom.z,
                        "occupancy": atom.get_attribute("occupancy"),
                        # "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
                        "temp_factor": atom.get_attribute("temp_factor"),
                        "assigned_charge": atom.get_attribute("assigned_charge"),
                        "calculated_charge": atom.get_attribute("calculated_charge"),
                        "radius": atom.get_attribute("radius")
                    if not is_pqr_format:
                        text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial))
                        text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pqr_atom_line(atom_entry, serial))

                    serial += 1
                    num_atoms += 1

        # TER entry
        if atom_entry is not None:
            serial = serial + 1
            num_ter += 1

    for chain in protein.chains:
        for residue in chain.residues:
            # HETATM entries
            for atom in residue.atoms:
                if atom.is_hetero:
                    atom_entry = {
                        "element": atom.element,
                        "atom_name": atom.atom_type,
                        "alt_loc": atom.get_attribute("pdb_alt_loc"),
                        "res_name": residue.residue_type,
                        "chain_id": chain.chain_id,
                        "res_seq": str(residue.sequence_no),
                        "icode": residue.insertion_code,
                        "x": atom.x,
                        "y": atom.y,
                        "z": atom.z,
                        "occupancy": atom.get_attribute("occupancy"),
                        # "temp_factor": atom._pdb_temp_factor if atom._pdb_temp_factor is not None else 0.0,
                        "temp_factor": atom.get_attribute("temp_factor"),
                        "charge": atom.get_attribute("assigned_charge"),
                        "assigned_charge": atom.get_attribute("assigned_charge"),
                        "calculated_charge": atom.get_attribute("calculated_charge"),
                        "radius": atom.get_attribute("radius")
                    if not is_pqr_format:
                        text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pdb_atom_line(atom_entry, serial, record_name="HETATM"))
                        text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pqr_atom_line(atom_entry, serial, record_name="HETATM"))

                    serial += 1
                    num_hetatoms += 1
        # Hetero residues have no TER records, so no need to write a termination code.

    # Bookkeeping records
    text_entries.append(PDBIO.create_pdb_master_line(num_atoms, num_hetatoms, num_ter, num_seqres=num_seqres))

    return "\n".join(text_entries)