Module protkit.geometry.space_query

Implements class SpaceQuery to do fast queries of atomic coordinates.

It relies on the KDTree implementation provided by scikit-learn. It abstracts computations of distances and nearest neighbours using numpy arrays to hide these implementation details from the user.

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Authors:  Fred Senekal (FS)
# Contact:
# License:  GPLv3

Implements class `SpaceQuery` to do fast queries of atomic coordinates.

It relies on the KDTree implementation provided by scikit-learn. It
abstracts computations of distances and nearest neighbours using
numpy arrays to hide these implementation details from the user.

from typing import List, Tuple
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
import numpy as np

class SpaceQuery:
    def __init__(self, coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], leaf_size: int = 50):
        Constructor.  Constructs a KDTree from the atomic coordinates.

            coordinates (List[Tuple[float, float, float]]): List of atomic coordinates.
                The coordinates should be in the form of a list of lists,
                where each sublist contains the x, y and z coordinates of
                an atom.
            leaf_size (int): Leaf size of the KDTree. Default is 50.

        self._coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        self._tree = KDTree(self._coordinates, leaf_size=leaf_size)

    def coordinates(self):
        Getter for the coordinates.

            np.ndarray: The coordinates.
        return self._coordinates

    def tree(self):
        Getter for the KDTree.

            KDTree: The KDTree.
        return self._tree

    def query_nearest(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], k: int = 1) -> Tuple[List[int], List[float]]:
        Query the KDTree for the k nearest neighbours of a given coordinates.

            coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
            k (int): Number of nearest neighbours to return. Default is 1.

            Tuple[List[int], List[float]]: List of indices of the k nearest neighbours and their distances.
        coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        distances, indices = self._tree.query(coordinates, k=k)
        return indices, distances

    def query_partners(self, coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], radius: float) -> (List[Tuple], List[Tuple]):
        Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

            coordinates (List[Tuple[float, float, float]]): List of coordinates to query.
            radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.


        coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        indices = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius)
        indices1 = set()
        for (i, index) in enumerate(indices):
            if len(index) > 0:
                for j in index:
        indices1 = sorted(list(indices1))
        indices2 = [i for i in range(len(coordinates)) if len(indices[i]) > 0]
        return indices1, indices2

    def query_indices(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], radius: float) -> List[List[int]]:
        Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

            coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
            radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.

            List[List[int]]: List of lists of indices of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
        coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        indices = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius)
        return indices

    def query_distance(self, coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], radius: float) -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[List[float]]]:
        Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

            coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
            radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.

            List[List[float]]: List of lists of distances of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
        coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        indices, distances = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius, return_distance=True)
        return indices, distances

    def query_distance_np(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], radius: float) -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[List[float]]]:
        Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

            coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
            radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.

            List[List[float]]: List of lists of distances of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
        coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        indices, distances = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius, return_distance=True)
        return indices, distances


class SpaceQuery (coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], leaf_size: int = 50)

Constructor. Constructs a KDTree from the atomic coordinates.


coordinates : List[Tuple[float, float, float]]
List of atomic coordinates. The coordinates should be in the form of a list of lists, where each sublist contains the x, y and z coordinates of an atom.
leaf_size : int
Leaf size of the KDTree. Default is 50.



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class SpaceQuery:
    def __init__(self, coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], leaf_size: int = 50):
        Constructor.  Constructs a KDTree from the atomic coordinates.

            coordinates (List[Tuple[float, float, float]]): List of atomic coordinates.
                The coordinates should be in the form of a list of lists,
                where each sublist contains the x, y and z coordinates of
                an atom.
            leaf_size (int): Leaf size of the KDTree. Default is 50.

        self._coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        self._tree = KDTree(self._coordinates, leaf_size=leaf_size)

    def coordinates(self):
        Getter for the coordinates.

            np.ndarray: The coordinates.
        return self._coordinates

    def tree(self):
        Getter for the KDTree.

            KDTree: The KDTree.
        return self._tree

    def query_nearest(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], k: int = 1) -> Tuple[List[int], List[float]]:
        Query the KDTree for the k nearest neighbours of a given coordinates.

            coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
            k (int): Number of nearest neighbours to return. Default is 1.

            Tuple[List[int], List[float]]: List of indices of the k nearest neighbours and their distances.
        coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        distances, indices = self._tree.query(coordinates, k=k)
        return indices, distances

    def query_partners(self, coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], radius: float) -> (List[Tuple], List[Tuple]):
        Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

            coordinates (List[Tuple[float, float, float]]): List of coordinates to query.
            radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.


        coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        indices = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius)
        indices1 = set()
        for (i, index) in enumerate(indices):
            if len(index) > 0:
                for j in index:
        indices1 = sorted(list(indices1))
        indices2 = [i for i in range(len(coordinates)) if len(indices[i]) > 0]
        return indices1, indices2

    def query_indices(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], radius: float) -> List[List[int]]:
        Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

            coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
            radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.

            List[List[int]]: List of lists of indices of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
        coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        indices = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius)
        return indices

    def query_distance(self, coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], radius: float) -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[List[float]]]:
        Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

            coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
            radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.

            List[List[float]]: List of lists of distances of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
        coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        indices, distances = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius, return_distance=True)
        return indices, distances

    def query_distance_np(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], radius: float) -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[List[float]]]:
        Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

            coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
            radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.

            List[List[float]]: List of lists of distances of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
        coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
        indices, distances = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius, return_distance=True)
        return indices, distances

Instance variables

var coordinates

Getter for the coordinates.


The coordinates.
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def coordinates(self):
    Getter for the coordinates.

        np.ndarray: The coordinates.
    return self._coordinates
var tree

Getter for the KDTree.


The KDTree.
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def tree(self):
    Getter for the KDTree.

        KDTree: The KDTree.
    return self._tree


def query_distance(self, coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], radius: float) ‑> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[List[float]]]

Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.


coordinates : List[List[float]]
List of coordinates to query.
radius : float
Radius within which to search for atoms.


List of lists of distances of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
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def query_distance(self, coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], radius: float) -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[List[float]]]:
    Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

        coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
        radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.

        List[List[float]]: List of lists of distances of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
    coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
    indices, distances = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius, return_distance=True)
    return indices, distances
def query_distance_np(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], radius: float) ‑> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[List[float]]]

Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.


coordinates : List[List[float]]
List of coordinates to query.
radius : float
Radius within which to search for atoms.


List of lists of distances of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
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def query_distance_np(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], radius: float) -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[List[float]]]:
    Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

        coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
        radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.

        List[List[float]]: List of lists of distances of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
    coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
    indices, distances = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius, return_distance=True)
    return indices, distances
def query_indices(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], radius: float) ‑> List[List[int]]

Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.


coordinates : List[List[float]]
List of coordinates to query.
radius : float
Radius within which to search for atoms.


List of lists of indices of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
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def query_indices(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], radius: float) -> List[List[int]]:
    Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

        coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
        radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.

        List[List[int]]: List of lists of indices of atoms within the radius of the query coordinates.
    coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
    indices = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius)
    return indices
def query_nearest(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], k: int = 1) ‑> Tuple[List[int], List[float]]

Query the KDTree for the k nearest neighbours of a given coordinates.


coordinates : List[List[float]]
List of coordinates to query.
k : int
Number of nearest neighbours to return. Default is 1.


Tuple[List[int], List[float]]
List of indices of the k nearest neighbours and their distances.
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def query_nearest(self, coordinates: List[List[float]], k: int = 1) -> Tuple[List[int], List[float]]:
    Query the KDTree for the k nearest neighbours of a given coordinates.

        coordinates (List[List[float]]): List of coordinates to query.
        k (int): Number of nearest neighbours to return. Default is 1.

        Tuple[List[int], List[float]]: List of indices of the k nearest neighbours and their distances.
    coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
    distances, indices = self._tree.query(coordinates, k=k)
    return indices, distances
def query_partners(self, coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], radius: float) ‑> (typing.List[typing.Tuple], typing.List[typing.Tuple])

Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.


coordinates : List[Tuple[float, float, float]]
List of coordinates to query.
radius : float
Radius within which to search for atoms.


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def query_partners(self, coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float, float]], radius: float) -> (List[Tuple], List[Tuple]):
    Query the KDTree for all atoms within a certain radius of a given coordinates.

        coordinates (List[Tuple[float, float, float]]): List of coordinates to query.
        radius (float): Radius within which to search for atoms.


    coordinates = np.array(coordinates)
    indices = self._tree.query_radius(coordinates, r=radius)
    indices1 = set()
    for (i, index) in enumerate(indices):
        if len(index) > 0:
            for j in index:
    indices1 = sorted(list(indices1))
    indices2 = [i for i in range(len(coordinates)) if len(indices[i]) > 0]
    return indices1, indices2