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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Authors:  Fred Senekal (FS)
# Contact:
# License:  GPLv3

from typing import Dict

from protkit.structure.atom import Atom
from protkit.structure.residue import Residue
from protkit.structure.chain import Chain
from protkit.structure.protein import Protein

from protkit.geometry.math import Math

class DihedralAngles:
    # Definitions taken from:
    # See also:
    # See also:,cluster%20around%20energetically%20preferred%20conformations.
    # Code for dihedral angle calculation from:
        "PHI": ("C", "N", "CA", "C"),
        "PSI": ("N", "CA", "C", "N"),
        "OMEGA": ("CA", "C", "N", "CA"),
        # The peptide bond formed by the residues I and I + 1 is assigned to the residue I + 1. The same applies to the omega angle. For that reason no omega angle is assigned to the first residue.

        "ALA": {},
        "ARG": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD"),
            "CHI3": ("CB", "CG", "CD", "NE"),
            "CHI4": ("CG", "CD", "NE", "CZ"),
            "CHI5": ("CD", "NE", "CZ", "NH1")
        "ASN": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "OD1")
        "ASP": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "OD1")
        "CYS": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "SG")
        "GLU": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD"),
            "CHI3": ("CB", "CG", "CD", "OE1")
        "GLN": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD"),
            "CHI3": ("CB", "CG", "CD", "OE1")
        "GLY": {},
        "HIS": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "ND1")
        "ILE": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG1"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG1", "CD1")  # Website ref calls this CD
        "LEU": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD1")
        "LYS": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD"),
            "CHI3": ("CB", "CG", "CD", "CE"),
            "CHI4": ("CG", "CD", "CE", "NZ")
        "MET": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "SD"),
            "CHI3": ("CB", "CG", "SD", "CE")
        "PHE": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD1"),
        "PRO": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD"),
        "SER": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "OG")
        "THR": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "OG1"),
        "TRP": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD1"),
        "TYR": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD1"),
        "VAL": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG1"),

    def dihedral_angle(a1: Atom, a2: Atom, a3: Atom, a4: Atom) -> float:
        Calculates the dihedral angle between four atoms.

            a1 (Atom): The first atom.
            a2 (Atom): The second atom.
            a3 (Atom): The third atom.
            a4 (Atom): The fourth atom.

            float: The dihedral angle between the four atoms.
        return Math.dihedral_angle(a1.x, a1.y, a1.z, a2.x, a2.y, a2.z, a3.x, a3.y, a3.z, a4.x, a4.y, a4.z)

    def dihedral_angles_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                                   previous_residue: Residue = None,
                                   assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                   key: str = "dihedral_angles") -> Dict[str, float]:
        Returns the dihedral angles of a residue.

            residue (Residue): The residue object
            previous_residue (Residue): The previous residue object
            assign_attribute (bool): Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the residue object
            key (str): The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the residue object

            dict: A dictionary containing the dihedral angles of the residue side chain. If the previous residue
                is defined, the phi, psi and omega angles are also calculated.
        angles = {}
        defined_angles = DihedralAngles.DIHEDRAL_ANGLES.get(residue.residue_type, set())

        if previous_residue:
            n1 = previous_residue.get_atom("N")
            ca1 = previous_residue.get_atom("CA")
            c1 = previous_residue.get_atom("C")
            n2 = residue.get_atom("N")
            ca2 = residue.get_atom("CA")
            c2 = residue.get_atom("C")
            angles["PHI"] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(c1, n2, ca2, c2)
            angles["PSI"] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(n1, ca1, c1, n2)
            angles["OMEGA"] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(ca1, c1, n2, ca2)

        for angle_name, (atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4) in defined_angles.items():
            a1 = residue.get_atom(atom1)
            a2 = residue.get_atom(atom2)
            a3 = residue.get_atom(atom3)
            a4 = residue.get_atom(atom4)
            if a1 and a2 and a3 and a4:
                angles[angle_name] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(a1, a2, a3, a4)
                angles[angle_name] = None

        if assign_attribute:
            residue.set_attribute(key, angles)

        return angles

    def dihedral_angles_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                                 assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                 key: str = "dihedral_angles"):
        Returns the dihedral angles of a chain.

            chain (Chain): The chain object
            assign_attribute (bool): Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the chain object
            key (str): The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the chain object

            dict: A dictionary containing the dihedral angles of the chain
        angles = {}

        previous_residue = None

        for residue in chain.residues:
            angles[residue.residue_code] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angles_of_residue(
                assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key)
            previous_residue = residue

        return angles

    def dihedral_angles_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                                   assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                   key: str = "dihedral_angles"):
        Returns the dihedral angles of a protein.

            protein (Protein): The protein object
            assign_attribute (bool): Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the protein object
            key (str): The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the protein object

        angles = {}

        for chain in protein.chains:
            angles[chain.chain_id] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angles_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key)

        return angles


class DihedralAngles
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class DihedralAngles:
    # Definitions taken from:
    # See also:
    # See also:,cluster%20around%20energetically%20preferred%20conformations.
    # Code for dihedral angle calculation from:
        "PHI": ("C", "N", "CA", "C"),
        "PSI": ("N", "CA", "C", "N"),
        "OMEGA": ("CA", "C", "N", "CA"),
        # The peptide bond formed by the residues I and I + 1 is assigned to the residue I + 1. The same applies to the omega angle. For that reason no omega angle is assigned to the first residue.

        "ALA": {},
        "ARG": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD"),
            "CHI3": ("CB", "CG", "CD", "NE"),
            "CHI4": ("CG", "CD", "NE", "CZ"),
            "CHI5": ("CD", "NE", "CZ", "NH1")
        "ASN": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "OD1")
        "ASP": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "OD1")
        "CYS": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "SG")
        "GLU": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD"),
            "CHI3": ("CB", "CG", "CD", "OE1")
        "GLN": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD"),
            "CHI3": ("CB", "CG", "CD", "OE1")
        "GLY": {},
        "HIS": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "ND1")
        "ILE": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG1"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG1", "CD1")  # Website ref calls this CD
        "LEU": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD1")
        "LYS": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD"),
            "CHI3": ("CB", "CG", "CD", "CE"),
            "CHI4": ("CG", "CD", "CE", "NZ")
        "MET": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "SD"),
            "CHI3": ("CB", "CG", "SD", "CE")
        "PHE": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD1"),
        "PRO": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD"),
        "SER": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "OG")
        "THR": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "OG1"),
        "TRP": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD1"),
        "TYR": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG"),
            "CHI2": ("CA", "CB", "CG", "CD1"),
        "VAL": {
            "CHI1": ("N", "CA", "CB", "CG1"),

    def dihedral_angle(a1: Atom, a2: Atom, a3: Atom, a4: Atom) -> float:
        Calculates the dihedral angle between four atoms.

            a1 (Atom): The first atom.
            a2 (Atom): The second atom.
            a3 (Atom): The third atom.
            a4 (Atom): The fourth atom.

            float: The dihedral angle between the four atoms.
        return Math.dihedral_angle(a1.x, a1.y, a1.z, a2.x, a2.y, a2.z, a3.x, a3.y, a3.z, a4.x, a4.y, a4.z)

    def dihedral_angles_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                                   previous_residue: Residue = None,
                                   assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                   key: str = "dihedral_angles") -> Dict[str, float]:
        Returns the dihedral angles of a residue.

            residue (Residue): The residue object
            previous_residue (Residue): The previous residue object
            assign_attribute (bool): Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the residue object
            key (str): The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the residue object

            dict: A dictionary containing the dihedral angles of the residue side chain. If the previous residue
                is defined, the phi, psi and omega angles are also calculated.
        angles = {}
        defined_angles = DihedralAngles.DIHEDRAL_ANGLES.get(residue.residue_type, set())

        if previous_residue:
            n1 = previous_residue.get_atom("N")
            ca1 = previous_residue.get_atom("CA")
            c1 = previous_residue.get_atom("C")
            n2 = residue.get_atom("N")
            ca2 = residue.get_atom("CA")
            c2 = residue.get_atom("C")
            angles["PHI"] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(c1, n2, ca2, c2)
            angles["PSI"] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(n1, ca1, c1, n2)
            angles["OMEGA"] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(ca1, c1, n2, ca2)

        for angle_name, (atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4) in defined_angles.items():
            a1 = residue.get_atom(atom1)
            a2 = residue.get_atom(atom2)
            a3 = residue.get_atom(atom3)
            a4 = residue.get_atom(atom4)
            if a1 and a2 and a3 and a4:
                angles[angle_name] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(a1, a2, a3, a4)
                angles[angle_name] = None

        if assign_attribute:
            residue.set_attribute(key, angles)

        return angles

    def dihedral_angles_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                                 assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                 key: str = "dihedral_angles"):
        Returns the dihedral angles of a chain.

            chain (Chain): The chain object
            assign_attribute (bool): Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the chain object
            key (str): The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the chain object

            dict: A dictionary containing the dihedral angles of the chain
        angles = {}

        previous_residue = None

        for residue in chain.residues:
            angles[residue.residue_code] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angles_of_residue(
                assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key)
            previous_residue = residue

        return angles

    def dihedral_angles_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                                   assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                   key: str = "dihedral_angles"):
        Returns the dihedral angles of a protein.

            protein (Protein): The protein object
            assign_attribute (bool): Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the protein object
            key (str): The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the protein object

        angles = {}

        for chain in protein.chains:
            angles[chain.chain_id] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angles_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key)

        return angles

Class variables


Static methods

def dihedral_angle(a1: Atom, a2: Atom, a3: Atom, a4: Atom) ‑> float

Calculates the dihedral angle between four atoms.


a1 : Atom
The first atom.
a2 : Atom
The second atom.
a3 : Atom
The third atom.
a4 : Atom
The fourth atom.


The dihedral angle between the four atoms.
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def dihedral_angle(a1: Atom, a2: Atom, a3: Atom, a4: Atom) -> float:
    Calculates the dihedral angle between four atoms.

        a1 (Atom): The first atom.
        a2 (Atom): The second atom.
        a3 (Atom): The third atom.
        a4 (Atom): The fourth atom.

        float: The dihedral angle between the four atoms.
    return Math.dihedral_angle(a1.x, a1.y, a1.z, a2.x, a2.y, a2.z, a3.x, a3.y, a3.z, a4.x, a4.y, a4.z)
def dihedral_angles_of_chain(chain: Chain, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'dihedral_angles')

Returns the dihedral angles of a chain.


chain : Chain
The chain object
assign_attribute : bool
Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the chain object
key : str
The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the chain object


A dictionary containing the dihedral angles of the chain
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def dihedral_angles_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                             assign_attribute: bool = False,
                             key: str = "dihedral_angles"):
    Returns the dihedral angles of a chain.

        chain (Chain): The chain object
        assign_attribute (bool): Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the chain object
        key (str): The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the chain object

        dict: A dictionary containing the dihedral angles of the chain
    angles = {}

    previous_residue = None

    for residue in chain.residues:
        angles[residue.residue_code] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angles_of_residue(
            assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key)
        previous_residue = residue

    return angles
def dihedral_angles_of_protein(protein: Protein, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'dihedral_angles')

Returns the dihedral angles of a protein.


protein : Protein
The protein object
assign_attribute : bool
Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the protein object
key : str
The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the protein object
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def dihedral_angles_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                               assign_attribute: bool = False,
                               key: str = "dihedral_angles"):
    Returns the dihedral angles of a protein.

        protein (Protein): The protein object
        assign_attribute (bool): Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the protein object
        key (str): The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the protein object

    angles = {}

    for chain in protein.chains:
        angles[chain.chain_id] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angles_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key)

    return angles
def dihedral_angles_of_residue(residue: Residue, previous_residue: Residue = None, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'dihedral_angles') ‑> Dict[str, float]

Returns the dihedral angles of a residue.


residue : Residue
The residue object
previous_residue : Residue
The previous residue object
assign_attribute : bool
Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the residue object
key : str
The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the residue object


A dictionary containing the dihedral angles of the residue side chain. If the previous residue is defined, the phi, psi and omega angles are also calculated.
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def dihedral_angles_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                               previous_residue: Residue = None,
                               assign_attribute: bool = False,
                               key: str = "dihedral_angles") -> Dict[str, float]:
    Returns the dihedral angles of a residue.

        residue (Residue): The residue object
        previous_residue (Residue): The previous residue object
        assign_attribute (bool): Whether to assign the dihedral angles as attributes to the residue object
        key (str): The key to use when assigning the dihedral angles as attributes to the residue object

        dict: A dictionary containing the dihedral angles of the residue side chain. If the previous residue
            is defined, the phi, psi and omega angles are also calculated.
    angles = {}
    defined_angles = DihedralAngles.DIHEDRAL_ANGLES.get(residue.residue_type, set())

    if previous_residue:
        n1 = previous_residue.get_atom("N")
        ca1 = previous_residue.get_atom("CA")
        c1 = previous_residue.get_atom("C")
        n2 = residue.get_atom("N")
        ca2 = residue.get_atom("CA")
        c2 = residue.get_atom("C")
        angles["PHI"] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(c1, n2, ca2, c2)
        angles["PSI"] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(n1, ca1, c1, n2)
        angles["OMEGA"] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(ca1, c1, n2, ca2)

    for angle_name, (atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4) in defined_angles.items():
        a1 = residue.get_atom(atom1)
        a2 = residue.get_atom(atom2)
        a3 = residue.get_atom(atom3)
        a4 = residue.get_atom(atom4)
        if a1 and a2 and a3 and a4:
            angles[angle_name] = DihedralAngles.dihedral_angle(a1, a2, a3, a4)
            angles[angle_name] = None

    if assign_attribute:
        residue.set_attribute(key, angles)

    return angles