
Implements class Mass to calculate the mass of an atom, residue, chain, protein or sequence.

Masses can be calculated in three ways:

  • Atomic weight. In the first method, a mass is assigned to each atom. It is then propagated to the residue, chain and protein levels. The first method is applicable if the complete atomic structure is available.
  • Residue weight. In the second method, a mass is assigned to each residue. It is then propagated to the chain and protein. It can also be assigned to a sequence, since it is dependent on knowledge of the residue sequence only.
  • Molecular weight. In the third method, the molecular mass is assigned to each residue. This is the mass of the unbound amino acid. It would not make sense to assign this mass to the chain or protein. It can be assigned to a sequence.

Masses are in Daltons. Calculated values can be added as attributes to the respective objects.

For more information, see:

The Dalton values were obtained from:

Expand source code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Authors:  Fred Senekal (FS)
# Contact:
# License:  GPLv3

Implements class `Mass` to calculate the mass of an atom, residue, chain, protein or sequence.

Masses can be calculated in three ways:

- Atomic weight. In the first method, a mass is assigned to each atom.
  It is then propagated to the residue, chain and protein levels.
  The first method is applicable if the complete atomic structure is available.
- Residue weight. In the second method, a mass is assigned to each residue.
  It is then propagated to the chain and protein. It can also be assigned to a sequence,
  since it is dependent on knowledge of the residue sequence only.
- Molecular weight. In the third method, the molecular mass is assigned to each residue.
  This is the mass of the unbound amino acid. It would not make sense to
  assign this mass to the chain or protein. It can be assigned to a sequence.

Masses are in Daltons. Calculated values can be added as attributes to the respective objects.

For more information, see:

The Dalton values were obtained from:

from protkit.structure.atom import Atom
from protkit.structure.residue import Residue
from protkit.structure.chain import Chain
from protkit.structure.protein import Protein
from protkit.seq.sequence import Sequence

class Mass:
    # Molecular weights of residues in Daltons.
    # Note that these are the weights of amino acids,
    # not the residues when bound in a chain.
        "ALA": 89.10,
        "ARG": 174.20,
        "ASN": 132.12,
        "ASP": 133.11,
        "CYS": 121.16,
        "GLN": 146.15,
        "GLU": 147.13,
        "GLY": 75.07,
        "HIS": 155.16,
        "ILE": 131.18,
        "LEU": 131.18,
        "LYS": 146.19,
        "MET": 149.21,
        "PHE": 165.19,
        "PRO": 115.13,
        "SER": 105.09,
        "THR": 119.12,
        "TRP": 204.23,
        "TYR": 181.19,
        "VAL": 117.15,

        "A": 89.10,
        "R": 174.20,
        "N": 132.12,
        "D": 133.11,
        "C": 121.16,
        "Q": 146.15,
        "E": 147.13,
        "G": 75.07,
        "H": 155.16,
        "I": 131.18,
        "L": 131.18,
        "K": 146.19,
        "M": 149.21,
        "F": 165.19,
        "P": 115.13,
        "S": 105.09,
        "T": 119.12,
        "W": 204.23,
        "Y": 181.19,
        "V": 117.15

    # Mass values of residues in Daltons.
    # These are the weights of residues when bound in a chain.
    # It excludes the mass of water that is released during
    # the formation of the peptide bond.
        "ALA": 71.0788,
        "ARG": 156.1875,
        "ASN": 114.1038,
        "ASP": 115.0886,
        "CYS": 103.1388,
        "GLN": 128.1307,
        "GLU": 129.1155,
        "GLY": 57.0519,
        "HIS": 137.1411,
        "ILE": 113.1594,
        "LEU": 113.1594,
        "LYS": 128.1741,
        "MET": 131.1926,
        "PHE": 147.1766,
        "PRO": 97.1167,
        "SER": 87.0782,
        "THR": 101.1051,
        "TRP": 186.2132,
        "TYR": 163.1760,
        "VAL": 99.1326,

        "A": 71.0788,
        "R": 156.1875,
        "N": 114.1038,
        "D": 115.0886,
        "C": 103.1388,
        "Q": 128.1307,
        "E": 129.1155,
        "G": 57.0519,
        "H": 137.1411,
        "I": 113.1594,
        "L": 113.1594,
        "K": 128.1741,
        "M": 131.1926,
        "F": 147.1766,
        "P": 97.1167,
        "S": 87.0782,
        "T": 101.1051,
        "W": 186.2132,
        "Y": 163.1760,
        "V": 99.1326

    # Mass values of elements in Daltons.
    MASS_ATOM = {
        "H": 1.00794,
        "C": 12.0107,
        "N": 14.0067,
        "O": 15.9994,
        "S": 32.065,
        "Se": 78.96

    def residue_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                                assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the residue.

            residue (Residue): The residue for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the residue.

        mass = Mass.MASS_RESIDUE.get(residue.residue_type, 0.0)
        if assign_attribute:
            residue.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def residue_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                              assign_attribute: bool = False,
                              key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the chain.

            chain (Chain): The chain for which the mass will be returned.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the chain.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the chain.
        mass = sum([Mass.residue_mass_of_residue(residue, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for residue in chain.residues])
        if assign_attribute:
            chain.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def residue_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                                assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the protein.

            protein (Protein): The protein for which the mass will be returned.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the protein.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the protein.
        mass = sum([Mass.residue_mass_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for chain in protein.chains])
        if assign_attribute:
            protein.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def residue_mass_of_sequence(sequence: Sequence,
                                 assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                 key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the sequence.

            sequence (Sequence): The sequence for which the mass will be returned.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the sequence.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the sequence.
        mass = sum([Mass.MASS_RESIDUE.get(residue, 0.0) for residue in sequence])
        if assign_attribute:
            sequence.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def atomic_mass_of_atom(atom: Atom,
                            assign_attribute: bool = False,
                            key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the atom.

            atom (Atom): The atom for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the atom.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the atom
        mass = Mass.MASS_ATOM.get(atom.element, 0.0)
        if assign_attribute:
            atom.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def atomic_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                               assign_attribute: bool = False,
                               key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the residue, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.

            residue (Residue): The residue for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the residue.

        mass = sum([Mass.atomic_mass_of_atom(atom, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for atom in residue.atoms])
        if assign_attribute:
            residue.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def atomic_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                             assign_attribute: bool = False,
                             key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the chain, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.

            chain (Chain): The chain for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the chain.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the chain.

        mass = sum([Mass.atomic_mass_of_residue(residue, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for residue in chain.residues])
        if assign_attribute:
            chain.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def atomic_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                               assign_attribute: bool = False,
                               key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the protein, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.

            protein (Protein): The protein for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the protein.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the protein.

        mass = sum([Mass.atomic_mass_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for chain in protein.chains])
        if assign_attribute:
            protein.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def molecular_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                                  assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                  key: str = "molecular_mass") -> float:
        Returns the molecular mass of the residue.

            residue (Residue): The residue for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the residue.

        mass = Mass.MOLECULAR_MASS.get(residue.residue_type, 0.0)
        if assign_attribute:
            residue.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def molecular_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                                assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                key: str = "molecular_mass") -> float:
        Returns the molecular mass of the chain.

            chain (Chain): The chain for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as attributes to the residues in the chain.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the chain.

        mass = sum([Mass.molecular_mass_of_residue(residue, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for residue in chain.residues])
        return mass

    def molecular_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                                  assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                  key: str = "molecular_mass") -> float:
        Returns the molecular mass of the protein.

            protein (Protein): The protein for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as attributes to the residues in the protein.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the protein.

        mass = sum([Mass.molecular_mass_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for chain in protein.chains])
        return mass


class Mass
Expand source code
class Mass:
    # Molecular weights of residues in Daltons.
    # Note that these are the weights of amino acids,
    # not the residues when bound in a chain.
        "ALA": 89.10,
        "ARG": 174.20,
        "ASN": 132.12,
        "ASP": 133.11,
        "CYS": 121.16,
        "GLN": 146.15,
        "GLU": 147.13,
        "GLY": 75.07,
        "HIS": 155.16,
        "ILE": 131.18,
        "LEU": 131.18,
        "LYS": 146.19,
        "MET": 149.21,
        "PHE": 165.19,
        "PRO": 115.13,
        "SER": 105.09,
        "THR": 119.12,
        "TRP": 204.23,
        "TYR": 181.19,
        "VAL": 117.15,

        "A": 89.10,
        "R": 174.20,
        "N": 132.12,
        "D": 133.11,
        "C": 121.16,
        "Q": 146.15,
        "E": 147.13,
        "G": 75.07,
        "H": 155.16,
        "I": 131.18,
        "L": 131.18,
        "K": 146.19,
        "M": 149.21,
        "F": 165.19,
        "P": 115.13,
        "S": 105.09,
        "T": 119.12,
        "W": 204.23,
        "Y": 181.19,
        "V": 117.15

    # Mass values of residues in Daltons.
    # These are the weights of residues when bound in a chain.
    # It excludes the mass of water that is released during
    # the formation of the peptide bond.
        "ALA": 71.0788,
        "ARG": 156.1875,
        "ASN": 114.1038,
        "ASP": 115.0886,
        "CYS": 103.1388,
        "GLN": 128.1307,
        "GLU": 129.1155,
        "GLY": 57.0519,
        "HIS": 137.1411,
        "ILE": 113.1594,
        "LEU": 113.1594,
        "LYS": 128.1741,
        "MET": 131.1926,
        "PHE": 147.1766,
        "PRO": 97.1167,
        "SER": 87.0782,
        "THR": 101.1051,
        "TRP": 186.2132,
        "TYR": 163.1760,
        "VAL": 99.1326,

        "A": 71.0788,
        "R": 156.1875,
        "N": 114.1038,
        "D": 115.0886,
        "C": 103.1388,
        "Q": 128.1307,
        "E": 129.1155,
        "G": 57.0519,
        "H": 137.1411,
        "I": 113.1594,
        "L": 113.1594,
        "K": 128.1741,
        "M": 131.1926,
        "F": 147.1766,
        "P": 97.1167,
        "S": 87.0782,
        "T": 101.1051,
        "W": 186.2132,
        "Y": 163.1760,
        "V": 99.1326

    # Mass values of elements in Daltons.
    MASS_ATOM = {
        "H": 1.00794,
        "C": 12.0107,
        "N": 14.0067,
        "O": 15.9994,
        "S": 32.065,
        "Se": 78.96

    def residue_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                                assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the residue.

            residue (Residue): The residue for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the residue.

        mass = Mass.MASS_RESIDUE.get(residue.residue_type, 0.0)
        if assign_attribute:
            residue.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def residue_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                              assign_attribute: bool = False,
                              key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the chain.

            chain (Chain): The chain for which the mass will be returned.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the chain.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the chain.
        mass = sum([Mass.residue_mass_of_residue(residue, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for residue in chain.residues])
        if assign_attribute:
            chain.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def residue_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                                assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the protein.

            protein (Protein): The protein for which the mass will be returned.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the protein.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the protein.
        mass = sum([Mass.residue_mass_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for chain in protein.chains])
        if assign_attribute:
            protein.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def residue_mass_of_sequence(sequence: Sequence,
                                 assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                 key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the sequence.

            sequence (Sequence): The sequence for which the mass will be returned.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the sequence.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the sequence.
        mass = sum([Mass.MASS_RESIDUE.get(residue, 0.0) for residue in sequence])
        if assign_attribute:
            sequence.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def atomic_mass_of_atom(atom: Atom,
                            assign_attribute: bool = False,
                            key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the atom.

            atom (Atom): The atom for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the atom.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the atom
        mass = Mass.MASS_ATOM.get(atom.element, 0.0)
        if assign_attribute:
            atom.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def atomic_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                               assign_attribute: bool = False,
                               key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the residue, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.

            residue (Residue): The residue for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the residue.

        mass = sum([Mass.atomic_mass_of_atom(atom, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for atom in residue.atoms])
        if assign_attribute:
            residue.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def atomic_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                             assign_attribute: bool = False,
                             key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the chain, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.

            chain (Chain): The chain for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the chain.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the chain.

        mass = sum([Mass.atomic_mass_of_residue(residue, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for residue in chain.residues])
        if assign_attribute:
            chain.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def atomic_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                               assign_attribute: bool = False,
                               key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
        Returns the mass of the protein, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.

            protein (Protein): The protein for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the protein.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the protein.

        mass = sum([Mass.atomic_mass_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for chain in protein.chains])
        if assign_attribute:
            protein.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def molecular_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                                  assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                  key: str = "molecular_mass") -> float:
        Returns the molecular mass of the residue.

            residue (Residue): The residue for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the residue.

        mass = Mass.MOLECULAR_MASS.get(residue.residue_type, 0.0)
        if assign_attribute:
            residue.set_attribute(key, mass)
        return mass

    def molecular_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                                assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                key: str = "molecular_mass") -> float:
        Returns the molecular mass of the chain.

            chain (Chain): The chain for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as attributes to the residues in the chain.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the chain.

        mass = sum([Mass.molecular_mass_of_residue(residue, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for residue in chain.residues])
        return mass

    def molecular_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                                  assign_attribute: bool = False,
                                  key: str = "molecular_mass") -> float:
        Returns the molecular mass of the protein.

            protein (Protein): The protein for which to determine the mass.
            assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as attributes to the residues in the protein.
            key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

            float: The mass of the protein.

        mass = sum([Mass.molecular_mass_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for chain in protein.chains])
        return mass

Class variables


Static methods

def atomic_mass_of_atom(atom: Atom, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'atomic_mass') ‑> float

Returns the mass of the atom.


atom : Atom
The atom for which to determine the mass.
assign_attribute : bool
If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the atom.
key : str
The key to use for the attribute.


The mass of the atom
Expand source code
def atomic_mass_of_atom(atom: Atom,
                        assign_attribute: bool = False,
                        key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
    Returns the mass of the atom.

        atom (Atom): The atom for which to determine the mass.
        assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the atom.
        key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

        float: The mass of the atom
    mass = Mass.MASS_ATOM.get(atom.element, 0.0)
    if assign_attribute:
        atom.set_attribute(key, mass)
    return mass
def atomic_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'atomic_mass') ‑> float

Returns the mass of the chain, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.


chain : Chain
The chain for which to determine the mass.
assign_attribute : bool
If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the chain.
key : str
The key to use for the attribute.


The mass of the chain.
Expand source code
def atomic_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                         assign_attribute: bool = False,
                         key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
    Returns the mass of the chain, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.

        chain (Chain): The chain for which to determine the mass.
        assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the chain.
        key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

        float: The mass of the chain.

    mass = sum([Mass.atomic_mass_of_residue(residue, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for residue in chain.residues])
    if assign_attribute:
        chain.set_attribute(key, mass)
    return mass
def atomic_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'atomic_mass') ‑> float

Returns the mass of the protein, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.


protein : Protein
The protein for which to determine the mass.
assign_attribute : bool
If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the protein.
key : str
The key to use for the attribute.


The mass of the protein.
Expand source code
def atomic_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                           assign_attribute: bool = False,
                           key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
    Returns the mass of the protein, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.

        protein (Protein): The protein for which to determine the mass.
        assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the protein.
        key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

        float: The mass of the protein.

    mass = sum([Mass.atomic_mass_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for chain in protein.chains])
    if assign_attribute:
        protein.set_attribute(key, mass)
    return mass
def atomic_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'atomic_mass') ‑> float

Returns the mass of the residue, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.


residue : Residue
The residue for which to determine the mass.
assign_attribute : bool
If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
key : str
The key to use for the attribute.


The mass of the residue.
Expand source code
def atomic_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                           assign_attribute: bool = False,
                           key: str = "atomic_mass") -> float:
    Returns the mass of the residue, calculated as the sum of atomic masses.

        residue (Residue): The residue for which to determine the mass.
        assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
        key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

        float: The mass of the residue.

    mass = sum([Mass.atomic_mass_of_atom(atom, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for atom in residue.atoms])
    if assign_attribute:
        residue.set_attribute(key, mass)
    return mass
def molecular_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'molecular_mass') ‑> float

Returns the molecular mass of the chain.


chain : Chain
The chain for which to determine the mass.
assign_attribute : bool
If True, the mass will be assigned as attributes to the residues in the chain.
key : str
The key to use for the attribute.


The mass of the chain.
Expand source code
def molecular_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                            assign_attribute: bool = False,
                            key: str = "molecular_mass") -> float:
    Returns the molecular mass of the chain.

        chain (Chain): The chain for which to determine the mass.
        assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as attributes to the residues in the chain.
        key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

        float: The mass of the chain.

    mass = sum([Mass.molecular_mass_of_residue(residue, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for residue in chain.residues])
    return mass
def molecular_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'molecular_mass') ‑> float

Returns the molecular mass of the protein.


protein : Protein
The protein for which to determine the mass.
assign_attribute : bool
If True, the mass will be assigned as attributes to the residues in the protein.
key : str
The key to use for the attribute.


The mass of the protein.
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def molecular_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                              assign_attribute: bool = False,
                              key: str = "molecular_mass") -> float:
    Returns the molecular mass of the protein.

        protein (Protein): The protein for which to determine the mass.
        assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as attributes to the residues in the protein.
        key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

        float: The mass of the protein.

    mass = sum([Mass.molecular_mass_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for chain in protein.chains])
    return mass
def molecular_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'molecular_mass') ‑> float

Returns the molecular mass of the residue.


residue : Residue
The residue for which to determine the mass.
assign_attribute : bool
If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
key : str
The key to use for the attribute.


The mass of the residue.
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def molecular_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                              assign_attribute: bool = False,
                              key: str = "molecular_mass") -> float:
    Returns the molecular mass of the residue.

        residue (Residue): The residue for which to determine the mass.
        assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
        key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

        float: The mass of the residue.

    mass = Mass.MOLECULAR_MASS.get(residue.residue_type, 0.0)
    if assign_attribute:
        residue.set_attribute(key, mass)
    return mass
def residue_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'residue_mass') ‑> float

Returns the mass of the chain.


chain : Chain
The chain for which the mass will be returned.
assign_attribute : bool
If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the chain.
key : str
The key to use for the attribute.


The mass of the chain.
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def residue_mass_of_chain(chain: Chain,
                          assign_attribute: bool = False,
                          key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
    Returns the mass of the chain.

        chain (Chain): The chain for which the mass will be returned.
        assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the chain.
        key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

        float: The mass of the chain.
    mass = sum([Mass.residue_mass_of_residue(residue, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for residue in chain.residues])
    if assign_attribute:
        chain.set_attribute(key, mass)
    return mass
def residue_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'residue_mass') ‑> float

Returns the mass of the protein.


protein : Protein
The protein for which the mass will be returned.
assign_attribute : bool
If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the protein.
key : str
The key to use for the attribute.


The mass of the protein.
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def residue_mass_of_protein(protein: Protein,
                            assign_attribute: bool = False,
                            key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
    Returns the mass of the protein.

        protein (Protein): The protein for which the mass will be returned.
        assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the protein.
        key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

        float: The mass of the protein.
    mass = sum([Mass.residue_mass_of_chain(chain, assign_attribute=assign_attribute, key=key) for chain in protein.chains])
    if assign_attribute:
        protein.set_attribute(key, mass)
    return mass
def residue_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'residue_mass') ‑> float

Returns the mass of the residue.


residue : Residue
The residue for which to determine the mass.
assign_attribute : bool
If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
key : str
The key to use for the attribute.


The mass of the residue.
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def residue_mass_of_residue(residue: Residue,
                            assign_attribute: bool = False,
                            key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
    Returns the mass of the residue.

        residue (Residue): The residue for which to determine the mass.
        assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the residue.
        key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

        float: The mass of the residue.

    mass = Mass.MASS_RESIDUE.get(residue.residue_type, 0.0)
    if assign_attribute:
        residue.set_attribute(key, mass)
    return mass
def residue_mass_of_sequence(sequence: Sequence, assign_attribute: bool = False, key: str = 'residue_mass') ‑> float

Returns the mass of the sequence.


sequence : Sequence
The sequence for which the mass will be returned.
assign_attribute : bool
If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the sequence.
key : str
The key to use for the attribute.


The mass of the sequence.
Expand source code
def residue_mass_of_sequence(sequence: Sequence,
                             assign_attribute: bool = False,
                             key: str = "residue_mass") -> float:
    Returns the mass of the sequence.

        sequence (Sequence): The sequence for which the mass will be returned.
        assign_attribute (bool): If True, the mass will be assigned as an attribute to the sequence.
        key (str): The key to use for the attribute.

        float: The mass of the sequence.
    mass = sum([Mass.MASS_RESIDUE.get(residue, 0.0) for residue in sequence])
    if assign_attribute:
        sequence.set_attribute(key, mass)
    return mass